10 Best Natural Remedies for Cough
Coughing, sneezing, and other symptoms of the common cold can ruin your day, making it difficult to focus at work or get things done around the house. While there’s no cure for the common cold, you can ease your symptoms and shorten your recovery time by using home remedies and over-the-counter medications. With 10 natural remedies for cough listed below, you’ll be well on your way to getting rid of that pesky cough in no time!
10 effective Natural Remedies for Cough
1) Honey
Honey has long been known as one of the best natural remedies for cough.
It contains malic acid, which helps unblock congestion and it’s also great for soothing a sore throat.
You can either eat honey or inhale it through steam (make sure you don’t burn yourself).
Gargling with hot water and honey is an effective way to get rid of cough because it helps reduce inflammation in your throat that causes pain when coughing.
Add lemon juice to get rid of that nasty sore throat feeling.
2) Garlic
Yes, it stinks, but with good reason. Garlic contains allicin, a compound that researchers have found to be an effective antibiotic against bacteria that can cause tooth decay and infections in the gums and mouth.
Plus, garlic also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidants that help fight cancer.
When choosing a garlic supplement or food, look for one with allicin potential equal to or greater than 5% (you’ll see it on labels). This will ensure you’re getting an optimal amount.
3) Warm water with lemon
Warm water with lemon helps in curing a cough by boosting immunity, reducing inflammation and neutralizing toxins.
It also works as an expectorant that helps remove mucus from the chest.
You can either make warm water with lemon juice or add a little bit of honey for better taste.
But before you go for a drink try it first on your skin to check whether it is working or not by making some dots on your wrist and waiting for a few minutes; if you feel itching then only have it otherwise discarded.
4) Hot water with brown sugar and lemon
Drinking hot water with lemon is a great remedy to give quick relief from cough.
It will warm up your throat and make you feel refreshed and will also help loosen phlegm.
By drinking hot water with lemon, you can also get rid of the bad smell in your mouth.
Add brown sugar and honey to lukewarm water, squeeze half a lemon into it, stir well and drink it.
The natural antibiotic properties present in these ingredients soothe irritation in your throat and gives quick relief from cough.
5) Peppermint oil
One of nature’s most useful herbs, peppermint has been used for centuries to treat digestive problems and heartburn.
Peppermint is also a popular remedy for treating respiratory problems, including colds and coughs.
The easiest way to use peppermint oil is through steam inhalation.
Simply boil some water, add a few drops of peppermint oil, then lean over a basin and breathe in deeply for about three minutes.
You can also inhale directly from your bottle or place a drop or two under your tongue; just make sure it’s not so hot that it burns you! Repeat as needed throughout the day.
6) Ginger Tea
Not only is ginger a great way to cure cough, but it’s also an anti-inflammatory and decongestant.
This means that it’ll help with congestion in your chest, making it easier for you to breathe when you have a cold.
Ginger tea is very simple, too; all you need is some ginger (however much you want) and boiling water.
You can add honey or lemon if you’d like a more tasty tea.
It’s best to drink 2–3 cups a day, but there are varying opinions on how much will work best for you.
Some people say that up to 1/2 cup every hour will cure their colds quicker than anything else.
7) Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV is acidic, so it can make your throat feel better when you’re sick. It is one of the most effective natural remedies for cough.
Just mix two tablespoons in a glass of water and drink it a few times each day.
You should also try gargling with a little bit at least once per day—and be sure to spit it out! ACV is not for internal consumption, as it can cause damage to tooth enamel and throat tissue if swallowed.
However, experts are split on whether or not apple cider vinegar actually works when taken internally; some say its acidity doesn’t even reach your throat anyway—if that’s true, don’t bother taking it internally.
Drinking ACV straight might not help your symptoms much at all.
8) Chicken Soup
There’s a reason why your grandma used to give you chicken soup when you were sick. It’s because it helps.
Research suggests that chicken soup helps thin out mucus and reduce inflammation in your lungs, leading to easier breathing, fewer chest pains and less pain overall.
Researchers also believe that one key ingredient—beta-glucan—helps open up your airways, which will reduce your cough symptoms.
Chicken soup is high in sodium, though; so if you already have high blood pressure or heart disease (or are at risk for developing these conditions), it may not be good for you.
9) Hot Water Bath
A hot water bath soothes your throat and lungs, which are usually inflamed when you’re sick.
Boil some water in a kettle or on a stove and fill up a warm tub with enough for yourself.
To prepare for sleep, add some tea bags or eucalyptus oil to hot water, as these two ingredients help open your nasal passages and reduce congestion.
Add some essential oils like lavender oil and peppermint oil for better relaxation.
Get into a warm bath, don’t forget to keep adding more hot water from time to time if it cools down too much.
10) Resting
One of the simplest ways to alleviate cough is also one of the oldest—simply resting.
If you’re coughing from a cold, it may be tempting to run around and go out while you still can.
But don’t worry, rest won’t make you feel worse or infect anyone else—in fact, resting will help your body fight off whatever bug has gotten into your system.
Stay away from screens and follow any recommendations your doctor makes, such as drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough sleep each night.
Treating cough with cough syrups
The easiest remedy for cough is, of course, an over-the-counter cough syrup.
There are a lot of them out there, so read your label and make sure it’s non-addictive and non-habit forming before you buy one.
Benadryl is a popular over-the-counter medication for dry cough.
This drug targets histamine, an organic compound that triggers smooth muscle contraction, which includes that of our airways.
It’s most effective when taken at bedtime as it promotes sound sleep and uninterrupted rest.
Make sure you follow your doctor’s advice on how much Benadryl syrup is enough; do not consume more than recommended as it can be toxic in high doses.
Read more about Benadryl Syrup Uses in Hindi
A recent study found that over-the-counter cough syrup could actually make symptoms worse.
That’s because it contains dextromethorphan, which boosts serotonin in your brain and can intensify cough symptoms.
Dextromethorphan also has a sedative effect, so it will likely leave you feeling foggy instead of relieved.
If you’ve got a cough that is worse than usual or keeps coming back, call your doctor. You might have a cold or another condition like asthma or allergies.
Regardless, home remedies won’t cure whatever is making you sick—and some might even make things worse by leading to serious health issues down the road.
Remember: A cough isn’t usually serious on its own; it only becomes dangerous when paired with other illnesses.