Home Improvement

15 Secrets to Cleaning Your Home in Half the Time

In this article, we’ll go over 15 of the most important tips for cleaning your home in half the time. These include sticking to a cleaning schedule and eliminating clutter. Regular cleaning will also reduce the amount of time spent on cleaning. Ideally, you should aim for 15 to 20 minutes each day for routine cleaning. But what exactly can you expect from cleaning your home in half the time? Read on to discover some of the best cleaning tips.

Stick to a cleaning schedule

Setting a schedule is crucial to cleaning your home faster. When you clean your home on a regular basis, you will spend less time cleaning and get the job done more efficiently. To achieve this, set aside some time each day to tackle various cleaning tasks, then assign them to specific days. For example, you can dedicate one day to the kitchen while the other is reserved for the bathroom. Then, make sure to follow this schedule every day.

While cleaning can seem overwhelming, you can break it up into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to make the task easier to handle. Making a schedule for cleaning your home will help you form habits, which will make the process feel less like a chore. After a few weeks, cleaning will become second nature and will take less time. You will be so happy with your clean home that you will not even think about it as a chore!

When creating a cleaning schedule, make sure that it works well with your daily duties. Creating a schedule allows you to make a commitment to cleaning the tasks as they arise, so you won’t procrastinate and lose your momentum. You don’t have to complete the entire cleaning job on one day – kids or pets will be the biggest distraction, so set up a time when you can have the time.

Organize all the clutter

Organize all the clutter in your home one room at a time. Decluttering one room at a time makes it easier to do a big job and you feel more accomplished. Start by tackling one small room and don’t choose the most chaotic room. Instead, focus on a room that’s easy to clean and work from there. Once you have finished the small project, you can move on to the next room. Once you’ve finished, throw out all the things you don’t need from the room and place them into their proper storage location.

Organizing your home is not an overnight process. It takes hours, maybe even days, to get rid of all the clutter. There are many things you need to throw away, find long-forgotten boxes, and clean up dust. You’ll also have to push through some discomfort when cleaning your home. But the reward is worth it. Your home will be much cleaner and more sanitary once it’s organized.

One of the most important steps of organizing your home is to purge everything that is no longer needed. A lot of us fill our homes with things we don’t need, but only if we’re 100 percent sure of what we need, does it make sense to keep them? Julie Couch, an interior designer, says that you’ll save as much as 40% of your time by reducing clutter in your home.

Clean baseboards

One of the easiest ways to clean baseboards is to use a vacuum with a brush attachment. You can also use a rag or tea towel. For a deeper clean, you can use a paint brush with long bristles. While you’re cleaning baseboards, make sure to go from top to bottom to catch any falling dirt. Next, dust them thoroughly. Make sure to follow the instructions for dusting baseboards.

If you want to clean baseboards quickly, try using a dry cleaning sponge instead of microfiber cloth. The anti-static feature of the dry cleaning sponge will protect your baseboards from dust buildup after cleaning. If your baseboards are painted, a sponge mop works best. There’s no need to bend over or crawl on the floor. You can also use a vinegar solution. This solution will remove dirt and pet hair from baseboards and trim.

To clean baseboards, you can either use a microfiber cloth dipped in cleaning solution or a sponge dipped in a cleaning solution. If you have stains on your baseboards, however, you’ll probably want to use a stronger solution like dish soap or Magic Eraser. Using an all-purpose cleaning solution is also an effective method, but you’ll have to apply it very carefully. If you’re not sure how to use it, you can always use an old toothbrush to clean moulding.

Vacuum high-traffic areas

Whether you have one pet or a busy family, vacuuming high-traffic areas twice a week will help keep the carpets and rugs looking great. Carpets have fibers that hold on to pet hair, dirt, and bacteria. It’s also important to vacuum wall-to-wall twice a week, and mop immediately after. Using a high-quality vacuum is a great way to get the job done in half the time!

High-traffic areas are typically rooms where people hang out or spend lots of time. They’re also likely to collect dust, dirt, and other debris. You can make these areas look clean in half the time by using storage baskets and using the vacuum’s high-traffic settings. However, these methods are not fool-proof. To get the most bang for your buck, use an all-purpose cleaner, a microfibre cloth, and the appropriate cleaning solution.

Follow a checklist

Create a cleaning checklist, putting each task in its own page. You can even go further and plan the cleaning routine – start with a weekly cleaning schedule and gradually expand it to biweekly or monthly. By creating a cleaning checklist, you can keep track of the time you’ve spent on each room and get rid of the things you don’t need anymore. Make a note of when you need to do each chore, too.

The first step to a faster cleaning is to clear out any clutter. Getting rid of things that you don’t need will free up valuable time. Create a list of items that are no longer needed and sell them online or hold a garage sale. Alternatively, donate the items to charity. This will save you time and energy. Make a checklist for each room and stick to it.

Use a checklist to keep track of all tasks and complete them as quickly as possible. Start by tackling the kitchen and bathrooms. Work your way towards the living spaces and bedrooms, then focus on these rooms. If you have more time, try cleaning two bathrooms at a time. Keep cleaning supplies in a caddy underneath the sink to make them accessible. You can even download a printable checklist to make the process go faster. Make sure to adjust the list to your needs, as a larger house will need more time.

Cleaning high-touch areas

Regardless of your home’s layout or type of use, high-touch surfaces should be cleaned regularly to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Ideally, you should clean such surfaces at least once a day, but high-traffic areas may need more frequent cleaning. Disinfecting these surfaces may also be necessary in high-touch areas. Most cleaning products contain disinfectants, so you should choose one from the EPA’s List N.

The best way to disinfect high-touch areas of your home is by wiping them with antibacterial wipes. Such surfaces often come in contact with bodily fluids, and poor hand-washing can make them contaminated. Wipe high-touch areas with a disinfecting wipe regularly, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for each type. In addition, disinfectants are available to help kill germs and prevent disease, so be sure to check the label of each type.

In addition to cleaning high-touch surfaces regularly, you should also disinfect electronic devices with wipeable covers. While many electronic cleaning products contain alcohol, this method is not effective. The CDC recommends that people who clean high-touch areas disinfect such surfaces at least once per day. The CDC recommends disinfecting surfaces at least once per day to prevent the spread of germs. Cleaning high-touch areas is especially important in households where many people come and go from the same room, or have a high risk of contracting an illness from another person.

Source : شركة تنظيف بالرياض

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