4 Most Important Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy
Neurofeedback is gaining popularity, and most people are developing interest due to the tested and proven benefits. The most attractive attributes are the holistic, minimal side effects, and non-intrusive procedures. Most doctors worldwide have continued to implement the practice as an alternative for treating resistant patients. Below is a list of various benefits of Neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback Minimizes Symptoms of Anxiety
Patients with anxiety disorders experience fearfulness, chronic worry, restlessness, and irritability. Severe anxiety affects the individual’s ability to manage relationships and daily activities. Uncontrolled stress affects cortisol and adrenaline production, leads to abnormal inflammatory responses in the body, and reduces the production of growth hormones. Neurofeedback is a non-intrusive approach that minimizes anxiety symptoms and improves daily functioning. Neurofeedback is integrated with psychotherapy and helps the brain calm itself, which allows the patient to develop new coping strategies. Reports indicate that patients who received 30 sessions of EEG neurofeedback reported decreased anxiety levels.
Neurofeedback Minimizes Depressive Episodes
Experiencing sadness is normal, but when it sticks around, it makes the affected person experience difficulties getting out of bed. Suppose you find that none of your previous activities is exciting, or you feel hopeless (or even have suicidal thoughts). In that case, it is often a sign that the sadness has mutated into depression. Such episodes are manageable and temporary, but not every person recovers without some help. Individuals diagnosed with depression find it hard to integrate into social groups, get things done, and adapt to new circumstances. Neurofeedback helps improve the mental health of patients who fail to respond to therapy or antidepressants. The procedure is non-invasive and helps manage symptoms of depression, and is an alternative approach for people with treatment-resistant depression.
Neurofeedback Provides Emotional Stability
According to a neurofeedback Denver, CO expert, sudden mood changes can affect an individual’s personal and professional life. A person’s professional environment can be stressful, and getting overemotional leads to low performance. If an individual is stuck with negative feelings and thoughts, it becomes hard to perform the required tasks. Uncontrolled thoughts and emotions affect meaningful relationships as the people closest to us suffer when we have emotional control struggles. Neurofeedback enables the brain to regulate itself to minimize the impact of difficult experiences. The approach changes how the brain handles negative thoughts and helps boost your mood, contributing to improved brain health.
Neurofeedback Helps Treat PTSD Symptoms
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric disorder caused by observing or experiencing a traumatic event or a severe threat. The body’s adaptive way of managing stress becomes stuck, which results in traumatic memories, causing patients to struggle to manage feelings and thoughts. People who have PTSD have a hard time feeling secure and safe and are chronically hyper-alert most of the time. Neurofeedback uses a brain mapping technique when identifying areas in the patient’s brain, requiring training to minimize PTSD symptoms. A study on individuals with PTSD showed that Neurofeedback minimized identity impairment and improved brain function.
Neurofeedback has changed the way mental health treatment is approached and is beneficial for people who have not found relief from psychotherapy and medication in the past. The approach trains various regions of the brain to communicate differently and addresses the source and symptoms of multiple problems with minimal side effects.