You’ve just purchased a beautiful handbag and can’t wait to show it off to the rest of the world! Half the fun of shopping is seeing your friends’ reactions when you show off what you’ve bought, and nothing beats the thrill of first donning a new pair of shoes or heading out with a new handbag. However, like most things, after buying bags from top handbags brands in Pakistan, everybody takes care of their handbags.
So, how can you protect your handbag? We’ve put up a list of simple tips to keep your bag out of the hands of thieves.
1. Keep your bag always hidden in the car:
According to national crime figures, handbag theft from cars outnumbered street “snatch” offenses by 5 to 1 in 2017, demonstrating how readily an unsecured bag might be a target.
Put your handbag well out of sight whenever you’re in the car. Keep your purse hidden even if you’re still in the car or driving to prevent becoming an obvious target for an opportunist burglar.
It almost goes without saying, yet it occurs all the time: when you leave your car, never leave your handbag which you buy from top handbags brands in Pakistan on display. Even the best locking system and loudest car alarm won’t keep a criminal from stealing your bag, so always keep it out of sight.
2. Keep your handbag away from Traffic:
Make it as difficult as possible for the opportunist thief. Many handbag thefts occur when passing motorists take them from pedestrians’ arms, so avoid this possibility entirely by simply wearing your purse on the opposite shoulder, a simple but helpful safety advice!
3. Keep a close eye on your belongings in bars, clubs, and restaurants:
What happened to the sight of women twirling their handbags around their shoulders?! Someone may have seen how simple it was to steal the top handbags brands in Pakistan in question or how ridiculous it appeared. In any case, it’s probably for the best in terms of safety.
This tip comes straight from the school of common-sense safety, but always keep your handbag insight when you’re out on the town. The mix of drink plus an unsecured purse may be too much for even the most determined thief, so don’t give them the opportunity and keep your bag.
Also, be aware of anyone offering to check your belongings into a cloakroom, as this is an all-too-easy con. Check your belongings in a safe area if you want them checked in. If you want a completely safe and high-quality handbag, you can buy from the best handbags brands in Pakistan.
4. Be Careful when using Cross-body handbags from top handbags brands in Pakistan:
Bags with over-the-body straps may appear to be the ideal answer, but they may do more harm than good. The thief is more likely to notice the bag than the strap, indicating that it does not give the protection you would expect. It also means that if someone tries to steal it, they’ll get a lot more than they bargained for when you’re dragged along with it, maybe injuring you.
We’re not suggesting you shouldn’t wear handbags across your body, but you should be aware that they don’t provide the same level of protection from being snatched as you may think.
5. If you’re unsure, just let it go:
As difficult as it may be to admit, if you are at any risk of losing your bag, you should let it go. Even if you fall in love with a new handbag, it’s not worth endangering your safety to keep it.
Because of the high cost of a good handbag and the value of the stuff that is now kept in them (phones, purses, credit cards, etc.), whoever is going to steal your handbag is likely to be more frantic to do it than you are to keep it.
If you’re concerned about stuff in your best handbags brands in Pakistan being stolen, don’t bring them out. If you’re only going to the store, you probably don’t need half of your handbag’s contents, and you certainly don’t need to bring your most costly purse. And, if you’re concerned that your bags and possessions are worth a lot of money and want some peace of mind, you may always look into insurance packages.
Most importantly, if defending your purse puts you in danger, just let it go. Other bags will be available.