Computers and Technology

5 Simple Hardware Upgrades to Improve PC Performance

The most reliable approach to increase your PC’s performance is to make some hardware upgrades, though there are many other alternatives as well. Many companies decide to outsource their PC repair to a tech partner. TechQuarters, which offers outsourced IT assistance that London companies rely on to keep their PCs running smoothly, is one example of this. They talked about some simple methods for upgrading a computer’s hardware.

We are aware that some individuals might be hesitant to replace or modify the hardware in their PC, but no matter what type of PC you have, you can readily find instructions online for how to perform these upgrades because they have been discussed and done so frequently.

Boost Your RAM

RAM, or random access memory, is perhaps the simplest hardware modification that anyone might make to their computer. Your computer’s RAM, sometimes referred to as system memory, is the hardware component that controls how information is stored and retrieved.

Your PC regularly loads the data required to run apps or carry out specific tasks and procedures, therefore it needs quick access to that data. For this reason, PCs include both RAM and an internal hard drive. This means that the more RAM your computer has, the more information it can store and access, allowing it to do more tasks at once.

The majority of commercial computers typically have 2 to 8 gigabytes of RAM when they are first built. For typical use, this usually suffices, but if you want lightning-fast, lag-free performance, you may increase your RAM to 16, 32, or even 64 gigabytes. It is typically fairly simple to upgrade your PC in this way because RAM typically comes in chips that just slide into the motherboard.

Invest in an SSD

On your computer, your hard disk has the most storage space. It houses all of your apps and programs in addition to the files and programs that make up the operating system of your PC. Your hard drive must be accessible in order to open any app or even to turn on your computer. Hard disk drives, or HDDs, were typically included with computers. These have the advantages of having huge capacities and being reasonably priced, which is why they are still in use today.

But switching from an HDD to a solid state drive, or SDD, has many benefits. SSDs, as its name implies, don’t have any moving components, thus they switch on significantly faster because they don’t have to accelerate to a particular speed. In general, SSDs boot up, copy or write data, and open files 30% faster than HDDs.

Additionally, SSDs have a longer expected lifespan, are quieter, produce less heat, and consume less energy.


Insert a Boot Drive

As was already established, the majority of the data on your PC is saved on your drive, which also houses your operating system as well as all of your apps, files, and other data.

A disk becomes slower to boot up, open files, copy data, and write data as it becomes more full. A storage drive and a boot disk are common configurations for PC users. Your operating system and any commonly used programs are the only things kept on the boot drive. Performance can be significantly accelerated by limiting the boot drive to only critical programs, which means that those apps (and your OS) will start up much more quickly.

Invest on a new graphics card

There are two types of graphics cards, which are present in every PC. Either they are integrated graphics cards, which are permanently attached to the motherboard, cannot be removed, and typically offer just average performance. They could also be a discrete, or dedicated, graphics card that inserts into the motherboard and can thus be changed. The majority of low-end PCs have integrated graphics cards, whereas nearly all mid-range and high-end PCs have discrete graphics cards that can be upgraded.

In addition to allowing you to play complex games, edit images and movies, and create cutting-edge graphics, graphics cards can also be used by the CPU to improve computer performance in other areas. This is why investing in a high-quality graphics card is worthwhile.

1. The Benefits of RAM Upgrades

The simplest and most convenient way to improve your PC is to add extra memory. It’s doable on practically any desktop computer, cheap, and doesn’t call for a lot of technical expertise. In addition, if your laptop supports it, it’s one of the greatest improvements.

This is the place to start if you’ve never opened a PC case before.

Almost all slow-running PCs receive an immediate performance boost from RAM upgrades. For resource-intensive operations like video editing or gaming, the more RAM you have, the better. Extra RAM will allow you to run more background apps or have more browser tabs open, even if you only use your computer occasionally.

To enhance the performance of your PC, you might also look at Superfetch on Windows and how it affects your RAM, as well as the finest DDR4 RAM.

Memory manufacturer Crucial has a PC upgrade advisor program that will assist you choose the sort of memory you require if you need to know what RAM is compatible with your computer.

2. Take into account replacing the graphics card

This is number two on the list, although if you’re a dedicated gamer, you should probably upgrade it first. You might never need to upgrade it at all if you aren’t a professional gamer, 3D modeler, or 3D animator.

PC makers frequently choose integrated graphics cards over discrete graphics cards since doing so is a simple method to save costs.

Additionally, integrated graphics in contemporary systems satisfy the majority of users. You can use it to work in Photoshop or view 4K video. On Steam, just 10% of users even play games with integrated graphics.

However, upgrading to a GeForce RTX 3070 or similar graphics card will give you a significant performance gain if you do require superior graphics performance for gaming or VR work. At, you can contrast the performance of specialized cards with your present choice.

3. Upgrade your storage drive

You should upgrade your hard drive for one of two reasons: either you need more space or you want it to function more quickly.

One of the most practical computer improvements you can make is to update from an outdated hard drive to a solid-state drive. These are much faster than ordinary drives because they employ flash memory rather than a spinning disk.

The typical write speeds for a 5400RPM drive are up to 100Mbps, a 7200RPM drive is up to 150Mbps, and a solid-state drive is over 500Mbps. High-end SSDs feature extraordinarily fast write rates of 3300Mbps and higher, such as the Samsung 970 EVO Plus.

A speedier data drive ultimately affects the entire system. It results in quicker startup times, quicker app loading times, quicker game launch times, and improved responsiveness in apps that work with huge files (like video editing or RAW photo editing).

Space is another justification for an upgrade. You’ll need to replace your storage with a larger one if you’ve tried everything to make more room for it but are still frequently running out of room. A full disk can affect performance in addition to making it hard to save new data. Try to keep 10GB of free space available for the operating system at the absolute least.

Solid-state drives used to be often criticized for having significantly smaller capacities and being more expensive than hard disk drives. It’s not really a problem anymore.

Take a look at the SanDisk SSD Plus for an excellent example of how 1TB SSDs are already fairly widespread and relatively affordable. That ought to be sufficient for many individuals, but if you require more room, you might want to think about a hybrid drive. This combines the two technologies to provide you a speed/size balance.

4. Processing Upgrade

The processor upgrade for your PC is a far more complex task than the other upgrades we’ve discussed thus far. It’s one of the more expensive upgrades and is also physically more difficult to install. There are also concerns regarding socket compatibility.

More importantly, a processor upgrade might not give you the performance boost you want and isn’t always a good idea.

You can compare the relative performances of various processors using the benchmark tests at These experiments generally demonstrate that little modifications don’t result in significant advancements.

A considerable improvement, such as going from an Intel Core i3 to a Core i5, or from an older generation to a newer one, is required to make a processor worthwhile. Don’t choose something merely because its clock speed is higher.

The cost of processors may necessitate upgrading your motherboard (which in turn might require you to buy new RAM). Your motherboard could require a BIOS update to function properly even though it is technically compatible with a new processor. Check before you buy because it can be a pain.

In the end, you may want to think about purchasing a brand-new system if your processor is the system’s speed barrier.

5. How Newer Software Can Perform Better

Most likely, your computer’s programs are set to update automatically. If not, you most likely click the Update button as soon as you are informed that new program versions are available.

This is generally the proper course of action. Although not always. The version number is frequently shown for software in the form of Major. Minor. Revision. Therefore, if an update is 0.0.1, bug fixes are probably included. If it’s 0.1.0, it probably contains improvements and a few minor new features. Updates to minor features and revisions should be installed immediately.

Major changes, however, which result in a change to the complete version number, are another story. New versions of programs nearly always consume more resources than older versions, so if your PC’s hardware is already at capacity, you should take care of that first.

The same is true for updates to operating systems. Whole new versions are not necessary, but routine incremental upgrades are necessary for performance and security reasons. They will probably have problems and operate slowly on your machine.

Hold off on operating system upgrades if your PC is functioning normally unless you are certain they won’t result in a downgrade.

Software modifications are frequently a wonderful way to feel like your machine is faster without spending any money. A excellent place to start is with our tutorial on how to make Windows 10 quicker.


What other PC components should you upgrade?

Since it is where all the other components of the computer attach, upgrading the motherboard is the most challenging. If you have your heart set on a new processor that is incompatible with your current arrangement, it is only worthwhile to take into account. It won’t significantly increase your speed on its own.

There are additional factors to take into account. For example, a serious photographer would undoubtedly gain more from a better monitor than from speeding up Lightroom. A writer could also increase their productivity by investing in a mechanical keyboard.

Consider how you may improve your PC experience rather than concentrating solely on performance. Although speed is crucial, it is not the sole factor.

Make sure the parts you purchase work with the kit you already have. PCPartPicker is a useful PC upgrade checker that aids in component identification and shopping.

For You, the Best PC Upgrades

We advise concentrating on RAM, SSDs, and graphics cards when choosing the finest components to update on your PC. The best updates are always those that are specifically catered to your needs. You can choose the appropriate hardware upgrade by taking a time to identify the problems in your system.

1. Increase RAM size and speed

Memory is the simplest and most effective computer upgrade. Your processor accesses high-speed storage in RAM to perform work-related tasks. Your SSD may be quick, but not quite as quick as RAM (but it is catching up, and fast).

There are several solutions available if you wish to notice a significant improvement in performance. Double the memory space first. Increase to 16GB from 8GB. Or 32GB. Very few people actually require 64 gigabytes, but if you have 100 Chrome tabs open, a few Python instances running, and a game running in the background, the extra RAM will be immediately apparent. Keep in mind that capacity has a greater influence than fast speeds in this situation.

Changing your current memory for quicker sticks with larger capacity is a more expensive choice. It’s rather easy to increase the performance of your desktop computer with faster RAM, whether you’re using DDR3 or DDR4 (if you’re currently using DDR5, you don’t have this problem…yet). The most popular high-speed memory will be 1600MHz even if DDR3, for instance, has a maximum frequency of 2133MHz. I only suggest 1600MHz since higher speeds are simply too expensive.

The maximum DDR4 clock speed is 5,333MHz, but only with certain extremely expensive HyperX modules. Instead, 3600MHz will significantly improve performance for a fair price, and at that speed, 32GB of RAM will make your desktop quite active. Just be sure to check the maximum capacities of your motherboard, the number of available slots, and the recommended memory type before making an update.

2. Enhance your SSD storage

It’s urgent that you upgrade if you’re still utilizing a spinning hard drive as your operating system and are not yet using a solid state drive. However, if you’re still using an old SSD from a few years ago or from an earlier version, it might be time to replace. Since SSD performance has increased significantly in recent years, experts predict that RAM will soon be replaced with storage that is just as quick.

The good news is that there are many upgrade choices available and that performance and capacity actually aren’t limited. Standard eSATA-based SSDs are the highest capacity per dollar options with good to exceptional speeds. There’s no doubt that you have a lot of eSATA ports available for upgrades unless you’re running a ton of servers from your setup.

A definite bet is converting to an NVMe SSD for enhanced performance at a higher cost. Depending on the drive’s generation, read/write rates with NVMe can be up to 7X quicker. It only takes a screw and a little twisting to install an M.2 slot that supports NVMe, which is present on the majority of contemporary motherboards.

The final alternative, PCIe-based SSD storage, is considerably more expensive. There is a maximum theoretical 3.9Gbps because PCIe storage uses the x4 channels! Drives that are this quick are not currently available.

3. Increase CPU Speed

A few parts can be overclocked to increase performance, but none are as effective as boosting the processor. We already know that liquid cooling is the most effective method for overclocking a CPU. Contrary to RAM, overclocking CPUs is simpler, safer, and is a feature of some chips. Find out the specifics of liquid cooling vs. air cooling.

Even the same model CPU won’t overclock as easily or effectively as another. Any silicon can be overclocked, but how much depends more on the material itself. Some processors can readily accelerate to 1GHz, while others become unstable with just a 50MHz increase. The “silicon lottery” refers to this. So, experimentation is important.

The Asetek 7th generation all-in-one solid liquid cooler makes it simple and stable to modify your overclocked CPU. Additionally, it makes a significant difference to know that adding an extra 0 won’t melt your entire system. So apply some thermal paste, throw out your air cooler, and choose one of our partner’s excellent AIOs to boost CPU speed right away.

All computers will eventually endure decreased speeds because to inevitability. Your PC’s performance may be significantly impacted by how it responds to changes as software gets more demanding. Your current operating system and whether you decided to update to Windows 10 can both have a significant impact.

While there are some enhancements you can make to your laptop to make it operate quicker, some of them are less expensive and easier to complete. These seemingly insignificant changes might not seem like they would speed up your computer’s performance, but when taken together, they can allow you to maintain the functionality of your PC for a number of years.

Here are seven methods to increase computer performance and speed

1. Remove useless software

Many preinstalled programs on your computer that many users won’t use but which can gobble up system resources are present. These are typically easy to spot when a pop-up window asking you to update an application you’ve never used appears.
Take them out of your computer to make disk space available.
Visit the “All apps” section by clicking the “Start” button.
You may see a list of the programs you have installed as well as those you have not here.
The “Options” menu will appear when you right-click the program’s icon after finding it.
Alternately, you can right-click Start and go to Programs and Features. Windows helper Because it has a “Programs” search option in its search box, Cortana can also be useful. From there, you may get a list of the most space-consuming and recently-used apps. You can choose which programs can be uninstalled to enhance system performance after reviewing what is installed.

Limit the programs that run at startup

Additionally, you should be aware of which apps your computer needs to function effectively and which ones can be removed. These programs frequently launch automatically when your computer boots up, which is one of the reasons they slow down your PC.
You can take a closer look at the programs you wish to eliminate within the aforementioned menus if you’re unsure if you want to delete them permanently. 2. Limit the programs that run at startup
In a similar vein, you can control which programs start up with your computer. The Task Manager in Windows 10 has been improved to make it simpler to choose what you want to run in the background and what you may start independently.

2. Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc to open Task Manager

You’ll see a box with a list of all the installed programs on your computer.
Additionally, it provides a thorough breakdown of how much RAM each program takes when your computer first starts up.
Simply right-click the application you want to update to instruct it not to run until instructed to make the necessary changes.
If you discover that an application that affects how you use your PC is no longer operating, you may always modify the settings. You can always restart your computer to test how it performs without specific applications running when it starts up if you’re unsure.

3. Upgrade your computer’s RAM

Windows 10 utilizes less memory than earlier versions, but boosting RAM memory has long been a tried-and-true method of accelerating PCs.
You’ll probably have to make do with what came in the box if you have a convertible or detachable laptop. It is feasible to increase RAM to some business and gaming laptops, but it can be challenging.
More RAM can be added to desktop computers much more quickly and inexpensively. Installing extra RAM takes around an hour for someone with a basic understanding of how a desktop tower works.
Additionally, you can bring your computer to a qualified shop to get more RAM added. A professional’s opinion can put your mind at ease and make adding extra memory simple if you’re concerned about potentially compromising your system or doing it incorrectly.

4. Scan for viruses and spyware

While visiting the web, it’s nearly difficult to avoid picking up a virus at some time, but the new Windows Defender program has made it simpler than ever to discover malware that could be seriously harming your PC. Third-party applications can be just as successful at eliminating any malware or viruses you might have acquired and are equally simple to install.
Some applications perform better than others and some may require more storage, which may slow them down. Finding software that is effective and thoroughly gets rid of malware while not taking up a lot of space on your PC is ideal.


7 Techniques to Boost Computer Performance

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All computers will eventually endure decreased speeds because to inevitability. Your PC’s performance may be significantly impacted by how it responds to changes as software gets more demanding. Your current operating system and whether you decided to update to Windows 10 can both have a significant impact.
Boost computer efficiency to accelerate applications
While there are some enhancements you can make to your laptop to make it operate quicker, some of them are less expensive and easier to complete. These seemingly insignificant changes might not seem like they would speed up your computer’s performance, but when taken together, they can allow you to maintain the functionality of your PC for a number of years.

A variety of software programs are also available to help you delete outdated files and find programs you might wish to uninstall that you don’t use frequently. These tools can also notify you of software and files that may be slowing down your computer and that you might want to remove.
Here are seven methods to increase computer performance and speed.

1. Remove useless software

Many preinstalled programs on your computer that many users won’t use but which can gobble up system resources are present. These are typically easy to spot when a pop-up window asking you to update an application you’ve never used appears.
You may see a list of the programs you have installed as well as those you have not here.
The “Options” menu will appear when you right-click the program’s icon after finding it.
Alternately, you can right-click Start and go to Programs and Features. Windows helper Because it has a “Programs” search option in its search box, Cortana can also be useful. From there, you may get a list of the most space-consuming and recently-used apps. You can choose which programs can be uninstalled to enhance system performance after reviewing what is installed.


Additionally, you should be aware of which apps your computer needs to function effectively and which ones can be removed. These programs frequently launch automatically when your computer boots up, which is one of the reasons they slow down your PC.
You can take a closer look at the programs you wish to eliminate within the aforementioned menus if you’re unsure if you want to delete them permanently. 2. Limit the programs that run at startup
In a similar vein, you can control which programs start up with your computer. The Task Manager in Windows 10 has been improved to make it simpler to choose what you want to run in the background and what you may start independently.

2. Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc to open Task Manager

You’ll see a box with a list of all the installed programs on your computer.
Additionally, it provides a thorough breakdown of how much RAM each program takes when your computer first starts up.
Simply right-click the application you want to update to instruct it not to run until instructed to make the necessary changes.
If you discover that an application that affects how you use your PC is no longer operating, you may always modify the settings. You can always restart your computer to test how it performs without specific applications running when it starts up if you’re unsure.

3. Upgrade your computer’s RAM

Windows 10 utilizes less memory than earlier versions, but boosting RAM memory has long been a tried-and-true method of accelerating PCs.
You’ll probably have to make do with what came in the box if you have a convertible or detachable laptop. It is feasible to increase RAM to some business and gaming laptops, but it can be challenging.
More RAM can be added to desktop computers much more quickly and inexpensively. Installing extra RAM takes around an hour for someone with a basic understanding of how a desktop tower works.
Additionally, you can bring your computer to a qualified shop to get more RAM added. A professional’s opinion can put your mind at ease and make adding extra memory simple if you’re concerned about potentially compromising your system or doing it incorrectly.

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