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5 Startups that are Changing the Way We Sleep

One famous adage that reminds us of bed bugs is “small but terrible.” Indeed, bed bugs may be really small in size–in fact. They are just comparable to the size of an apple seed–but they are very much capable of creating a huge impact on the way people sleep. These tiny annoying critters, although they do not carry and spread fatal diseases as other pests do, can make your skin crawl and even make you hate going to your own bed.

The moment these ectoparasites start setting foot inside your dwelling, it will be no time that your entire bedroom and household will already be crawling with these little vampires. In their lifetime, bed bugs will lay hundreds of eggs, and lucky we, humans, serve as their official source of food so they can survive. Typically, these nocturnal creatures will gorge on human blood discreetly for about 10 minutes during bedtime so that their attack becomes unnoticeable.

Telltale Signs of Bed Bugs

One of the preliminary signs of bed bug activity is their bite marks on your skin. These are the areas that are usually that are exposed during your sleep (i.e. cheeks, neck, arms, torso, and legs). You will see that the bites appear in a group consisting of 3-5 marks either in a zigzag pattern or straight line. As compared to mosquito bites, bed bug bites feel much itchier and take longer to go ümraniye escort away. Although bed bug bites are not necessarily life-threatening, you will eventually suffer from sleep loss due to discomfort. Other indications that you have bed bugs at home are the following:

    • Musty smell in the room.

      This offensive odor lingers in the atmosphere no matter how you clean the surroundings.

    • Blood stains on beddings.

      While sleeping, you may accidentally squash those bed bugs while they are feeding on you resulting in blood stains on your skin, pillows, bedsheets, and pajamas.

    • Exoskeletons (molted skin).

      Bed bugs shed skin precisely five times during their lifetime and leave behind their shells wherever they go.

    • Fecal spots on the mattress.

      Bed bug excrements look like black or dark brown dots made by a marker. They can be found on the seams of mattresses, floor carpets, sofas, bed frames, furniture and their hiding spots.

Ways to an Enjoyable Sleeping Oasis (Without Bed Bugs)

There’s always hope! You can solve your bed bug problem and enjoy a good night’s sleep, thanks to bed bug professionals. Pest control experts have devised various advanced techniques, besides DIY home remedies, to address bed bug issues.

  • Bed Bug-Proof Encasements.

Bed bugs, for one thing, love to stay as close to their host as possible. That’s why they usually hide in mattresses and linger in bedroom areas where people spend time sleeping at night. Therefore, one way to keep bed bugs away is to protect your bed. To do that, you need to encase your mattress in order to trap the bed bugs. By doing this bed bugs have no direct access to food and let starve them there until they die. Bed bug proof encasements are made in such a way that bed bugs cannot escape and bite through the material. You can purchase a set of encasements from your local department store or online. Brands like Mattress Safe, CleanRest, Protect-A-Bed, and Sleep Guard, among others are proven quality encasements. These brand encasements will help keep your mattress and box spring protected from crawling bugs.

  • Bed Bug Interceptors.

Another product that definitely helps a lot in terms of keeping bed bugs off your bed is the bed bug interceptor cups (i.e. ClimbUp). Bed bugs can be hiding in the carpet or cracks on your floors. To prevent them from climbing up your bed, place an interceptor cup under each foot of your bed. A bed bug interceptor is a plastic dish that has smooth sides, an outer pitfall, and a center well containing a light dusting of talc powder. It provides an impossible path for crawling insects like bed bugs to ascend. Once in the center well, the bed bugs will be trapped and have no way of escaping.

  • Aerosol Bed Bug Sprays

Aerosol bed bug sprays are a great rescue if you need to treat your bed infested by bed bugs. A lot of aerosol sprays can be bought over the counter. You just need to spray directly on the cracks or crevices in your bed frame to kill the bugs.

  • Vacuum cleaning.

A vital tool that ensures a clean and clutter-free household is the vacuum. It removes dirt and most importantly, sucks bed bugs, including their eggs, out of their hiding spots. Vacuum cleaning is especially effective for small infestations. Of course, you need to remove and dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag immediately after cleaning. Place the cleaner bag inside a plastic bag before throwing it into a well-sealed outdoor trash can. This is to prevent the pesky critters from escaping and crawling back to your property.

  • Bed Bug Heat Treatment

One famous treatment option that most pest control experts prefer to use to address a serious bed bug infestation is bed bug heat treatment. This method is safe for people, animals, and the environment. Since this treatment has no chemical used during the treatment process. It only entails maintaining a temperature ranging from 130 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. A heating temperature is considered lethal to bed bugs and to their eggs. Unlike chemical treatment, the bed bug heat treatment process is done within less than 12 hours. This treatment does not require a follow-up session. 


When you think of bed bugs are quite nasty creatures to deal with. These little critters are very hard to get rid of and if you don’t do it the right way, they will stay on your body for several days and you’ll have to deal with their bites.

These are by far five of the most convenient and effective methods. These methods are mostly applied when you’re dealing with bed bugs at home. If you want to sleep peacefully at night without having to worry about bed bug bites, you can invest in these products and procedures. For a more guided approach to treating bed bugs, call your local pest control company for advice and assistance.

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