6+ Expert Ideas to Present an Impressive Law Case Study

Preparing case studies is one of the common assessments you face during your years in law school. You will have to complete challenging case studies as a law student and provide proper analysis of those cases.
But often, students end up getting poorer grades during their first years due to a lack of knowledge on ‘how to approach the analysis of a legal case study. Even though you can get rid of such situations with professional law exam help, it won’t help you grow your knowledge.
Experts recommend going for the traditional method, i.e. reading the highly discussed case studies likeR.V Dudley Stephens (England, 1884). It’s one of the must-have lessons to follow to write a proper case study analysis.
In fact, keeping yourself surrounded by witty yet brain-filling books like ‘Landmarks in the Law – Lord Denning’ or ‘Jeremy Hutchinson’s Case Histories – Thomas Grant’ are also influential to uplift your skills in writing a high-standard case study.
Apart from gathering knowledge from the text, you must practically implement it for your case studies. Even though you are a student, you will be taken for mock trials, similar to court sessions.
Hence follow these tips to prepare well-
1. Study the case in detail
Until you have thoroughly read the case, it is difficult to pinpoint what the court considered to be the most important consideration. So, read the case carefully and note down the details that are most important to analyze the court’s ruling. You can learn what is going on, who the main players are, and what the court should do by reading.
2. Explain the case’s legal history
A case that has gone through at least one round of appeal is the basis for all written court opinions. You should thus be able to trace the steps this particular case took from the initial lawsuit to the court procedures that finally led to the opinion you’re reading as a law student.
Understand how each petitioner is referred to throughout the written opinion since the procedural history describes the roles of the litigants in detail.
3. Find the pertinent details
Every legal case must begin with a tale of a disagreement between two parties. Determine whether details of the narrative are pertinent to the problem raised in the court that rendered the judgment in order to analyze the legal case.
The initial facts that sparked the dispute can frequently be encapsulated in one or two sentences. But, often, what really matters is what transpired subsequently. For example, the Swot Analysis of Samsung.
4. Present the problem as a yes-or-no question
Make a query that pertains to the case in order to understand a court’s analysis and reasoning of the legal issue. The court’s decision often generates a number of yes-or-no questions or follow-up inquiries based on the initial question’s response.
This typically occurs when a certain factual circumstance relevant to the case has never been examined by another court. Before deciding how a particular law applies to that factual situation, assess whether that law is applicable at all.
5. Focus on both sides of your case
Even though you will choose a notion to prove your case, you need to be prepared for the questions coming from the other side. So, take a neutral stand and find loopholes in the case from both ends.
Consider what might have happened if the court had chosen to focus on a different fact while determining the court’s fact or facts. Even if there may be a great deal of other material that is pertinent or significant to the case, it’s always how you present your case study and not only dozens of facts.
6. Restrict your reading to one book and one supplement
It’s a prevalent fallacy in law school that you should study every published book on a certain topic. However, one lacks time to complete all of these materials. Ask yourself if you can read four books and four supplementary readings for a certain topic given to you by your professor? No doubt it sounds exhausting!
You can instead ask your professor to recommend a book. You can look through the suggested reading list to find the text you feel most at ease with. Pick the book and other reading material you think will be easiest for you to understand. You will gain more understanding of specific subjects as a result.
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7. Study the syllabus
One can get a general idea of the chapters covered and which are so significant that they are even highlighted in the professor’s syllabus. You can determine how far the topic will go by checking into the same. For example, the professor typically decides the last topic of the day.
You can organize your time effectively by focusing on specific areas if you mark your respective syllabus. As a result, you will be able to decide what aspects of the mentioned case should be examined or concentrated on.
8. Use mnemonics when studying
Knowing the keywords is one of the keys to remembering the CODAL. It will help you explore the insights of jurisprudence or some of a doctrine’s fundamental requirements or components. But, as was previously stated, you must first understand it.
And after you know the keywords, you may come up with your own mnemonics to make it easier to remember everything. Even though some books or reviewers have their own mnemonics, it is still preferable to have your own because you will recall your work and memorization more clearly than the others
Concluding with,
The journey of three to five years of your Business law Class school is where you partially work as a professional lawyer. Mentioning which, dealing with case studies will be a routine task. Hence, working on them systematically can lessen your stress.
Therefore, take these tips as your daily dose of vitamins, and you will pass out of your law school with flying colors.
Author Bio: Jack Thomas is a professional lawyer, hailing from the United States. He is also associated with the academic portal MyAssignmenthelp.com, where she offers law exam help. In addition, Thomas loves to read and watch movies in her free time.