9 Tips for Selling Your Home in the Texas Hill County
The Texas Hill County is one of the fastest growing regions in the United States. While this can be a great thing for home sellers, it also means there are more homes on the market. This increases competition, making it more difficult to sell your home at or above asking price. To help you get that dream price, here are nine tips to selling your home in the Texas Hill County.
1. Tips for selling during the busy season
The start of the Christmas season can be extremely busy for many people. It’s a time of the year when many of us are buying gifts for family and friends, and it’s also a time when many of us are looking for jobs. As a job seeker, you need to make sure that your profile is looking as good as possible.Here are some tips to help you sell your home in the hottest real estate market of the year.
First things first: Make sure your home is EXTREMELY attractive. It doesn’t have to be the nicest, but it should be an important touch point in any presentation. Attractive layouts, colors, layouts that are easy to read all count.
Highlight your uniqueness and brand in your home. Do this by keeping a consistent color scheme throughout. If your home is a red stone ranch with white trim, show off this contrast. To ditch any monotony, experiment with putting contrasting patterns on a white background. For instance, use contrasting red and blue big bunting or the blues and greens in dim lighting on a overall white background.
When people walk by your home with their business cards in hand, be sure to let them know that your house is dog friendly. People are typically much more willing to stop and talk to a dog owner—especially if their dog is barking! Consider including this in your home’s listing.
2. Know your home’s value before putting it on the market
The real estate market can be difficult to navigate, so it’s important to know the value of your home before putting it on the market. To determine the value of your home, you can consult a real estate agent or do research online. Once you have an idea of your home’s value, you can set a price that reflects that value.
3. Raising the Rent On Your Rentals
In order to increase the value of your rental property, it must have sufficient net rents coming in. Net rents are considered the money left after paying all the expenses of owning the property. Higher net rents generally mean higher values, but it is still important to consider potential downfalls of this trend.
Consider the impact that other means of raising rents will have on your bottom line. For example, you may decrease your property’s utility costs by about $100-$200 monthly, which could possible put a dent in your bottom line. On the other hand, if you see that by raising rent you can produce the same results without altering the monthly bills, then this may be a more profitable option. Research the costs and potential returns of both these potential changes to determine whether the rising net rents are worth the potential sacrifice in your bottom line.
4. Cutting Expenses & Increasing Property Value
Property management is often the biggest expense for property owners, and home owners should look into ways to cut down on these costs. If you are just starting out, property management can be a costly endeavor. There are many services that can help you cut down on property management fees, including:
- HOA fees
- Homeowner’s association dues & fees
- General contractor fees
- Advertising
If you are already a property owner or are planning on becoming one, it is important to think of ways you can cut back on the management fees. And if you have a large number of rentals, consider increasing the monthly fees for each rental.
5. Pricing your home to sell
Pricing your home to sell is hard to do in Texas hill county, but you need to do it if you want to sell it quickly. The best way to price your home is to look at the homes that are selling in your area. If there are similar homes in your area, then use their prices as a reference for your own. This way, you know what to ask for when selling your house.
6. Making your home stand out from the competition
How do you make your home stand out from the competition? The answer is simple: by choosing a real estate agent who knows how to sell homes. Not every agent will know how to sell your home, and it’s important to know what you’re looking for and what to avoid.
Make an offer. Show the home. Discuss the situation to see if there’s any room for compromise.
A lot of real estate agents only know how to talk about selling houses—but in my experience, those people don’t really know how to sell houses. For years, I didn’t even know what to avoid and took many incorrect approaches to selling my home. I later found a local real estate realtor who knew the area and was able to correct my misconceptions. Now, I know that I should offer my home right away and only show it to experienced real estate agents, but I can’t seem to remember the last time I put an offer in.
Talk to anyone who will listen—and do it today. The key to any strategy is to stick to it so that you are not creating a ripple effect that ends up in someone else’s house.
It is surprising how sometimes people assume we want the properties, but really, we only want them because we have to sell them.
7. Understanding how an agent can help you sell faster in the Texas Hill County
Once you’ve finalized a shortlist of properties that you’re interested in, it’s time to call a Realtor to help you. I know that a lot of people reading this article will be managing their own sale, but if you’re not, a good Realtor will make the process easier and faster. Once you’ve spoken with a Realtor, be sure to send them a cashier’s check for the total list price plus the amount they set as your deposit. This is Mandatory.
For their fee, you want them to tell you the lowest price they will pay. If they say you can get $100, you need to double check that number. If not, you can either come up with the full list price and double check, send them a higher offer or move on to a higher value property. If you come back with a lower offer, they will hold off on listing the home with an agent.
Ok you’ve made it, now what? Keep following these tips as you prepare to go under contract.
Check out homes for sale in marble falls tx.
8. Follow up with sellers regularly
In my experience, it is best to reach out to a seller not less than 4-6 times per year. This is not a rule, but a suggestion. Before doing this, make sure you are speaking with someone who actually does know the area. I know it can be intimidating to reach out to people you don’t know. I would call a local realtor and ask her what number she’s most comfortable speaking with so you don’t waste her time.
9. Never underestimate the value of an experienced Realtor
A Realtor should be able to sell a home for well above asking price and have sold many homes in the past. They work with many sellers, each with a personal life and different reasons for wanting to sell. Don’t forget that there are well over 100,000 Realtors in the US.