How to Export Exchange EDB Files to a PST File?
Emails, contacts, calendar items, journals, and other information for Exchange account users are stored in the Exchange Server database. This data is saved in files with the extension EDB. At times, you may need to export Exchange EDB files to PST files. You may want to convert mailboxes from Exchange Server to PST for a variety of reasons. You could be upgrading your hosted Exchange environment or moving to a new Exchange organization.
This assistance is provided by automated tools. This program is capable of not only exporting data from EDB files to PST files, but also of migrating all EDB data to Live Exchange Server and Office 365. As a result, users can access their Exchange server account data via Outlook on their desktops/laptops. There are numerous EDB migration tools available online. Microsoft, in fact, provides one such free useful tool – Exchange Admin Center and ExMerge Utility and the paid one Highly Preferable EDB converter software.
EDB File vs. PST File
EDB- An Exchange database (EDB) file stores the many user mailboxes generated by the Exchange Server. Multiple Exchange database files can be stored on a single Exchange Server. izmir escort
PST- A PST file is a location for Outlook messages and other mailbox objects to be stored. When you create an Outlook profile, it is created automatically.
To export Exchange EDB files to PST, there are two manual methods and one automated tool-based method.
Making Use of Exchange Admin Center (EAC)
Using the ExMerge Utility
Step 1: Use Exchange Admin Center to Export Exchange EDB Files (EAC)
It is the most efficient method for converting an EDB file to a PST file. The steps are as follows:
- Log in as an administrator to Exchange Admin Center.
- Navigate to the permissions tab and then to the admin roles section.
- Navigate to Recipient Management and press the (+) button.
- In the Role Group wizard, click the (+) button next to the Roles option.
- Click the Add button after selecting the Mailbox Import Export Role. Then press the OK button.
- Under Recipient Management, the Mailbox Import Export function is now available.
- In the EAC, navigate to Recipients > Mailboxes > More options > Export to a PST file.
The Export to a.pst file wizard is launched. On the first page, select the source mailbox and then one of the following options:
- Navigate to the mailbox you want to export.
- Enter the location of a shared folder.
If the conversion is successful, choose a mailbox to which an email will be sent. Finally, press the Finish button to complete the process. The contents of the EDB mailbox will be converted to a PST file.
It is a manual method that assists you in converting EDB to PST in real-time. However, you can see how time-consuming the manual methods I described are, particularly for busy Exchange administrators who may not have enough time to manage the EDB to PST conversion. As a result, they are ineffective with these approaches. For this, we recommend professional and best EDB to PST converter software, which will convert Exchange EDB files to PST quickly and easily. escort izmir
Step 2: Use the ExMerge Utility to Convert Mailboxes from EDB to PST.
The following methods show how to manually migrate data from an EDB file to a PST file using ExMerge:
- To install the program, launch it as administrator.
- Launch ExMerge and connect to your Exchange server account with Exchange administrator privileges.
You will be presented with the following options in a window:
- Extraction and Import (One Step Procedure)
- Importing or Extracting (Two Step Procedure)
- After selecting Extract or Import, click Next (Two-Step Procedure).
- A window with the following options will appear:
- Data can be extracted from an Exchange Server mailbox.
- Data should be imported into an Exchange Server mailbox.
A popup window will appear with the title Data Selection Criteria. Navigate to the Import Procedure tab in this window, which has many tabs. Then, after selecting Archive data to the destination storage, click OK.
The Message Details tab is located in the same window. Fill in the required information, then click OK.
You will now be presented with a window displaying all of the mailboxes available on the server. After selecting the desired mailbox, click the Next button.
You will then be asked to specify the destination directory. Navigate to the location where you want the migrated PST to be saved, and then click Next.
Finally, you’ll be able to watch the migration as it happens. When the procedure is finished, you will be prompted with a message. Click the Finish button to exit the utility.
Step 3: Use the Best Tool to Export Exchange EDB File
Steps to Convert an Exchange Mailbox from EDB to PST
- EDB Converter must be installed and run.
- By clicking the Browse button, select Exchange EDB and STM File.
- Choose the Exchange Server EDB file version.
- To address the alignment error in the EDB file, select one of the recovery modes.
- To see a preview of the mailboxes in the Exchange EDB file, click the Next button.
- Delete any duplicate items from the restored Exchange EDB.
- Choose the Save as PST option and then click the Next button.
- By clicking the Browse button, you can specify where you want to save the retrieved mailboxes.
- Choose Save and then Convert Exchange Mailbox to a new or existing PST file.
I’ve shown you both manual and automatic methods for converting EDB to PST. Now that you’ve learned everything, you can either use the manual method of exporting individual mailboxes one by one, or you can enjoy the smooth migration provided by EDB Converter. The software can also be used to repair a corrupted Exchange database. Exchange Server 2019, 2016, and all previous versions are supported by the software. It is a very business-friendly tool that any user in your organization can use to perform both recovery and migration effectively.