How to lose weight running on a treadmill
How to lose weight running on a treadmill. The treadmill is one of the machines par excellence in all gyms. One of the most used by those addicted to cardio. Or whose main goal when playing sports is to lose weight and lose weight.
Indeed, this machine allows you to walk and run varying the speed or intensity. Without going outside or moving, and also alternating the slope of work. In addition, it is a good method to learn or practice running technique, posture and measure your own times.
However, like all machines and exercises, the treadmill requires a technique, a good position and, also, some recommendations that allow you to get the most out of it and get in shape effectively.
We have the list of best machines that lose weight easily. check it out on Home Gymion
Tips to lose weight on the treadmill effectively
Both for those who start from scratch on the treadmill or who have been practicing sports on it for some time, it is essential to take into account posture and technique. It will have to be placed in the final area of the side bars, so that the body is not too close to the front of the machine.
Also, posture is important when running. You will have to be relaxed, but with your shoulders and head stretched, without leaning forward, with your elbows bent and your hands relaxed.
As an advantage of the running machine is that of being able to regulate the inclination of the ground. This function is completely advantageous, since the versatility of movement can be easily increased, as indicated by ILoveFit. Among other things, the incline allows you to continue doing cardio while working even more muscles, such as the gluteus .
The treadmill also allows you to easily increase speed and decrease it again, which will be beneficial for interval running , a recommendation to get the most out of training on a treadmill, since it allows you to lose more calories. Combine high-intensity intervals with low-intensity intervals
Another Tip
Another tip regarding the tape is related to monotony. Falling into a routine can make you lose motivation when training, so it is recommended to do different exercises, both cardio and bodybuilding, which in turn will help to achieve a more complete and effective workout.
A mistake that many people fall into is always using the treadmill to lose weight, this being the only exercise they do. The results will be much greater if a weekly routine is performed, interspersing the treadmill with other exercises and, also, with a healthy and balanced diet.
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Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle have become a common problem in a large part of the population that does not perform the necessary physical exercise to obtain health benefits . This is due, in many cases, to the current pace of life, which means that there is no time available on a daily basis to practice sports.
In this sense, a sedentary lifestyle means that the buttocks do not work how and when they should and that they are not toned . Therefore, exercising at home to increase muscle mass and firm up this area of the body is a good way to take care of yourself, especially if you have little time during the day
What exercises can we do at home?
One of the most suitable and well-known exercises to tone the buttocks at home is the squat . It is essential in any exercise table and can be done in different ways: sumo squats, jump squats, using a weighted bar or dumbbells, among other options.
Other basic exercises are the bridging or raising and extension of the hips . However, many specific routines can be found on the Internet for which little or no material is needed.
Personal trainer Patry Jordan offers various routines through her Gym Virtual channel suitable for all types of people. Thus, one of the most recommended is the gluteal and inner thigh routine in 15 minutes , which can be combined with other types of exercises, such as squats three times a week
Physical inactivity is one of the main risk factors worldwide for mortality. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) , it is estimated to be the main cause “of approximately 21%-25% of breast and colon cancers, 27% of cases of diabetes and 30 % burden of ischemic heart disease”.
For this reason, physical activity is one of the most important measures to maintain a healthy state . In fact, an adequate level can reduce the risk of suffering from hypertension, diabetes, stroke or depression, in addition to improving bone health and contributing to weight control.
How long is recommended in children and adolescents?
However, although it is advisable to be active on a regular basis, physical needs vary depending on age. The WHO has prepared a document with global recommendations on physical activity for health by age groups with specific indications.
For youth ages 5 to 17 , the organization advises that physical activity consist of “games, sports, commuting, recreational activities. Physical education, or scheduled exercise in the context of family, school, or community activities.”
In this sense, with the aim of improving cardiorespiratory and muscular functions. Bone health and reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases, the following guidelines are recommended for this age group:
- The estimated time should be at least 60 minutes a day of physical activity of “moderate to vigorous” intensity.
- If you spend more than 60 minutes a day, a greater health benefit will be reported.
- This physical activity should be largely aerobic. Thus, three times a week vigorous activities “that strengthen muscles and bones” should be incorporated
As reported by MedlinePlus , aerobic activities for teens can include walking, running. Playing a sport like basketball, or riding a bike, among others. On the other hand, “high-intensity activities include running, jumping, and swimming. While those aimed at strengthening bones might include sports like volleyball.
What physical activity is recommended for adults?
The second age group defined by the WHO is that of adults aged 18 to 64 years . The recommended physical activity for these ages consists of recreational activities. Leisure activities, walking or cycling, occupational activities, games or sports.
Thus, it is recommended that they dedicate at least 150 minutes a week. To moderate physical activity or 75 minutes to vigorous physical activity. However, it highlights, “in order to obtain even greater health benefits” it is advised that. The practice of moderate physical activity be increased to 300 minutes per week. Or up to 150 minutes of intense activity”.
Moderate physical activity is understood as actions such as walking, dancing or riding a bicycle. Swimming, sports such as soccer or basketball, jogging or fast cycling are considered intense as they require more effort.
In addition, they should do muscle-strengthening activities two or more times a week. These activities could include lifting weights, working with elastic bands, doing sit-ups, or push-ups.
And what are the recommendations for older people?
In the case of adults over 65 years of age. The WHO recommends the practice of moderate aerobic physical activity for 150 minutes a week. Or, dedicate 75 minutes a week to doing some more intense physical activity. This will help improve “cardiorespiratory and muscular functions. Bone and functional health, and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases, depression and cognitive decline.”