A Vision for The Future of Education

Since the pandemic is now “The New Normal”, schools and colleges are back to routine. Consequently, the reopening of schools and universities had to follow some guidelines – Center of Disease (CDC) guidelines. A drastic change for the students and educational sectors. We have faced the brutality of the pandemic and challenges of online classes – many exploited the flexibility – pay to take online classes. Correspondingly, many utilized the flexibility with part-time jobs.
How CDC Guidelines are Working Out?
The guidelines are changing the shape of educational institutes. Reduced number of students in a classroom, a mask is mandatory, stay 4-6ft away, and many other restrictions. It becomes annoying but at the same time, it offers a convenient way of learning. Now, teachers have to handle a smaller number of students, increasing the employment of teachers with increased classrooms. The staff is at ease with the change in the system – fewer students, less crowded campuses, no large gathering, fewer responsibilities for them to look out for. Besides, educational sectors have also profited by terminating unnecessary staff.
Many schools and colleges are struggling to adopt the change. Students, teachers, staff, and every other body incorporated within the educational sector needs to be trained to follow the guidelines.
Vision on Transforming Education:
Indeed, education has become difficult – broken and unpleasant. Difficult in sense of going back to routine, back to old schooling methods, attending physical classes. Anyway, adopting an online education system was a bewildering experience for everyone. Coming back to the routine is more exhausting. Previously, students tackled online classes by paying someone to do my online class. What are they supposed to do now? How are they going to bounce back with the disinterest in education due to the pandemic? What will the struggles of teachers and students look like in the future? Above all, what will be the future of education? How education is transforming?
All these miseries are answered with a vision for the future of education. Be optimistic and do not be about transforming education. Let us have a look at my vision for the future of education.
Teaching – A Skyrocketing Profession:
The educators – teachers will be earning more than they ever earned. Why? Because they will be niftier and smarter with the revolution technology brought. They will be responsible to promote digital literacy among the young generation – the ones who will reshape the future with their knowledge and expertise.
Correlation of The Subjects:
We all have seen the severe usage of the internet nowadays. Currently, education and the subjects are divided, fragmented into different courses and multi-courses. The fragmentation will diminish – the internet is a multi-disciplinary body – explore the brief information across the world!
Cheap Education:
The world is aware of non-profit Ed-Tech organizations. The motive of educational technology is to make education accessible from all over the world. Consequently, making it cheap and affordable through the internet. The expensive universities will become a joke – generation will profit from Ed-Tech to its full potential, fostering skills and expertise unmatchable by those universities.
Physical Classroom Do Not Exist in Future Education:
Apparently, physical classes did not exist when online classes substituted them. As we are back on track with traditional classrooms still the future feels the absence of it. Technology and its advancement will disappear in physical classrooms – implementation of AR/VR will assist to make learning more effective than ever. Internet will be the official classroom, having students from all over the world.
Self or Group Learning?
Internet is the most powerful weapon – the right use will make one the most dominant in society. However, the internet is already ruling. Self-learning is effective but not more than collaborative. The future will encourage group learning within the communities and alumni – students always need someone over their head so that they can be efficient. These communities will make it easy for them – social groups to hold them accountable are a reality now!
Students Will Take Control:
We have already seen technology giving students control over their academics. Anyway, the future and the internet will give students the throne to their class help online. With the internet in their hands, they can explore and go to places, experience things that are inconceivable.
Everything Will be On the Record!
Technology has blessed us a lot, made the operations and life routine simple than ever – automation is replacing human efforts. Similarly, students’ evaluations will be unbiased, unlike today. All the performance and progress will be monitored, every educational experience will be monitored. As a result, halting exploitation and biasness.
Highest Competition:
Competition is always at its peak; the future will uplift the competition more. Universities and teachers will gather a group of talented peers – the mentors will acquire a group of students having impeccable skills. The schools in the world will compete to hunt the top talents.
Future of Media Students:
The future of media students is unimaginable – the media courses will have Hollywood-level production instruments and budgets. Besides, they will be taught accounting, finances, stats, economics to surmise the financial budget for high-end graphics production.
Nothing Remains a Surprise:
Indeed, everything is present on the internet – have the desired information anytime from anywhere – the hub of information!
Correspondingly, students who get bored and are eager to learn more on the same day can access the course on the internet; no more surprises. However, a surprise for the teachers, students know everything beforehand. The curious minds do not stop and expand forward with the basics.
Influencers, Teachers, or Mentors?
The most successful and influential people in the world are the CEOs of big names. For instance, Jeff Bezos – CEO of Amazon – started selling books online and now rules the e-commerce industry – a motivation for students with an entrepreneur mindset. They will be the future teachers, mentors, and influencers for the gen-z. These practitioners with their hard-earned success stories will inspire students to be successful in life – the prime purpose of getting an education!
Final Words:
The teachers, students, and all the management are besieged to adopt the new normal, frequently changing with time. The future of education looks promising with the involvement of technology – technology has always blessed humanity with solutions to our problems. The journey to the future has already begun – transformation in education is on its momentum. Thus, it is on us how we tackle it, what strategies do we make to overcome the deviations.
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