Home Improvement

Artificial Grass Cost Is Not As Expensive As You Think

One question many homeowners are asking is how much does artificial grass cost? Since artificial grass has been around for some time now, there are many companies and manufacturers that offer different prices and materials for artificial grass. These factors may make it difficult to figure out the true artificial grass cost. If you’re one of those asking this question, read on to learn some facts about artificial grass.

Materials Used in Artificial Grass – Natural Grass Cost by Material – Artificial Grass Cost by Price. Natural Grass has always been more expensive than artificial grass but recent developments have made artificial grass less expensive than natural grass. This includes material such as nylon and vinyl. Vinyl and nylon are generally less expensive than natural grass per square foot because these materials are less expensive to create.

Other Uses of Artificial Grass

Many homeowners are wondering what other uses artificial turf can be used for. The most common use of artificial grass is for sports fields, like football and baseball. Artificial turf can also be used for recreation purposes like golf courses. Many homeowners have even found that artificial grass can be a great substitute for natural grass when it comes to giving their lawn a fresh, crisp look.

Artificial Grass Cost by Size – Average Cost Per Square Foot – Artificial Grass Cost by Price. When you break down the cost of each square foot, you find that artificial turf is cheaper than natural grass, especially when you are considering the size of the yard. Artificial turf can range from small squares to large areas depending on the size of the yard. However, artificial grass cost is usually a lot lower than natural grass per square foot.

artificial grass cost

Cost by Types

Polyethylene Tiles are the most expensive type of artificial grass. The average cost of one square foot of polyethylene turf is approximately two hundred dollars. The most expensive types are made with nylon fibers. Nylon is extremely durable and is often used in commercial and industrial applications. Durability is one of the pros of using polyethylene since the material is able to stand up to harsh weather conditions and frequent usage. However, there are some cons to using polyethylene, mainly the high cost.

Cost-efficiency is another positive feature of synthetic grass cost. Even though polyethylene is more expensive, it is also more time efficient when it comes to maintenance. Polyethylene can withstand high traffic that regular grass can’t stand up to. The material is able to retain moisture and can withstand extreme temperatures. While nylon is more resistant to wear and tear, it is also a high traffic product, so polyethylene may be the perfect turf for a high traffic area.


There is another reason that synthetic grass costs less than natural grass. Artificial lawns are more durable and last longer than natural lawns. This means that homeowners or business owners can save money by installing artificial turf installations in their yards instead of paying for costly repairs. Even if a homeowner does install natural grass in his or her yard. They may decide to purchase a synthetic lawn since the price is lower and it is easier to maintain.

Different turf types also vary according to their maintenance requirements. Some require less care and maintenance while other artificial grass products require more maintenance. It is important to get a professional estimate when installing any type of artificial turf. The estimate will not only include installation but also variables such as water consumption and total square footage. It should be easy to understand the estimated price based on the square footage. And the estimated water usage since many companies provide customized pricing based on their specifications.

Installation Cost

Artificial grass costs are certainly not cheap but the benefits of installing an artificial turf system far outweigh any monetary outlay. The initial cost of laying and installing synthetic grass can be less than the price of a day’s lunch. The initial expense is comprised of the purchase of the materials and tools that are required for installation as well as the labor and expertise of the installation crew. These materials include the synthetic grass itself. The blades for the turf blades, feed and water, and the proper mixing and preparation of the top layers of soil, dirt, and top surface.

Another key component in calculating the artificial grass cost is the blade shape and design. The blades must be square and the top layer of soil must be sturdy enough to withstand years of wear and tear. Typically, turf blades are manufactured from aluminum and steel with each having their own advantages and disadvantages. For example. Steel blades are durable but they are also heavier and hence will take up more space and require more effort to store.

Next Step

Water drainage is another consideration. It is important if you intend to plant within the walls of a building. Otherwise, it is important to make sure that the runoff from the roof has sufficient water drainage. No matter what the orientation of the structure. Drainage is even more crucial when planting in damp soil or over wetter areas. The number one factor that determines how much water your artificial grass requires is whether or not it has a hydrostatic foot-per square foot rating.

When estimating the cost of an artificial grass installation, you will also want to include the costs associated with purchasing the blades, the feed and water, and the necessary landscaping installation and layout design. The average cost of installing synthetic turf systems ranges from approximately three to six thousand dollars per square foot. Although this average cost may be discouraging for some homeowners. Keep in mind that you can increase the size of your system by purchasing premium blades or growing taller grass plants.

Final Step

Your final Artificial Grass Installation Cost includes all the costs associated with turf installation. Depending on your location, there will be additional costs associate with electrical and telephone lines, taxes, and permits. It is important to remember that these costs do not include the actual purchase of the grass products. Which can be upwards of seven thousand dollars. Other factors, such as labor and delivery times, can also increase your total artificial grass installation cost. It is important to understand these factors as they will help you determine the exact price you should expect to pay.

Once you have determined all the components of your perfect turf, there are many other factors to consider. Artificial Grass Cost can be reduce by choosing the right blade size and application. A professional installer with knowledge and experience in installing artificial grass can give you tips on finding the best blade size. And give you suggestions on how to apply it the best way. Many companies today offer free lawn analysis and sizing, which can significantly reduce your installation costs.

Artificial Grass Roll is the easiest and most cost effective way to add texture to your lawn. Add splashes of color or just plain old texture by creating custom patterns with this versatile product. Give your DIY projects a texture when you cover concrete floors with this easy-to-install, vinyl-based product and give your projects some life when you add detailing to throw pillows, place mats or plant baskets with this simple DIY turf product! See more craft ideas and other fun craft supplies across this web site.

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