Learn how Vinyasa technique helps to adjust oxygen levels

The second wave of Corona has put people in despair. On the one hand, the problem of not going to the hospital, on the other hand, is the lack of medical facilities. Due to this, both physical and mental problems are increasing among people. And this is the reason why the oxygen level in the body starts going up and down. Seeing every other post on social media, people are getting more panicky and their breathing is being affected. So if you are also going through such problems then Vinyasa techniques can help you in these problems. What is the Vinyasa technique, how does it cure respiratory problems in corona patients, while common people who do not have corona and are having trouble breathing due to anxiety, then how does the Vinyasa technique help them too, so let’s detail Let us know about Vinyasa techniques?
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What is Vinyasa technology?
This is known as both the Vinyasa technique and configuration flow. Vinyasa Flow is the flow in which we establish coordination between our breath and asanas and do the asanas with the right technique with the breaths. The Vinyasa Technique involves many asanas but begins with Chaturanga, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Bhujangasana, and Upward-Facing Dog. While doing these asanas, there is a rest for a short time, the rest has to be done continuously after one posture. Along with posture, work has to be done on the breath as well. In this posture and the flow of breath go together.
Advantages of Vinyasa technology in the Corona period:
1. Maintain proper oxygen level in the body
In the Vinyasa technique, the whole game is breathless. With every posture, there is exhalation and inhalation of breath. Because of this, the oxygen uptake in the body remains fine. In the Vinyasa technique, doing Upward Facing Dog opens up the chest area, which helps in breathing. Oxygen reaches the body properly.
2. Strengthen the lungs
Lungs are most affected due to corona. Oxygen reaches the lungs properly by doing the vinyasa technique and the lungs become strong. The Vinyasa technique is also helpful for people who have trouble breathing.
3. Relieve stress
In the time of Corona, the fear of losing loved ones or concern for one’s own health is becoming the biggest concern. So the tension is increasing. Every other post on social media, due to the arrival of someone’s death, the fear of losing loved ones settles in the mind. In such a situation, there is bound to be anxiety, stress, depression. Vinyasa techniques overcome these problems as well. In this technique, the breath goes in and out of the body repeatedly, which calms the mind and removes negative thoughts. In this, care has to be taken that the breathing pattern is right so that you get relief from anxiety, stress.
4. Increase Immunity
In the time of Kovid, everyone is focusing on increasing immunity. In this case, configuration techniques are very helpful. By doing the Vinyasa technique, stress is reduced and stomach problems are also cured. All these reasons boost immunity.
5. Chest tightness
By doing the Vinyasa technique, the chest parts get stronger. All the asanas performed in the Vinyasa technique are related to the abdomen and hands, due to which the chest part opens and the chest becomes strong.
6. Remove the panic of corona
Many people are getting panic due to corona by staying in their homes. The configuration technique is also very beneficial for such people. Yoga expert Bholi Parihar says that people who are afraid of corona and are getting nervous, then they should do this technique gradually. Do three to four flows of this together so that you will feel relaxed.
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7. Headache Aids
When you stay in Adho Mukha Svanasana, then the blood flow of our body is towards the head, people who have headaches, get relief. At the same time, it increases the oxygen level in our head, due to which we feel relaxed. It meets.
8. Keep minor infections away
Configuration techniques keep small viruses away. Yoga exercise Bholi Parihar says that Vinyasa Technique corrects the oxygen level in the body as well as the blood circulation. Due to which minor ailments get cured on their own. If someone has a minor infection, then this technique also cures him.
9. Thigh, waist, abdominal strength
When we do Chaturanga, then at that time we have to tighten our stomach, waist, and thigh area. When we loosen it, then our muscles get relaxed, at the time when we are in Chaturanga posture, due to the tightening of the muscles, our stomach, waist, and thigh area get stronger.
10. Helpful in reducing weight
While doing this asana, many asanas are being done simultaneously, due to which excessive sweating comes out, due to which the weight is reduced.
11. Configuration Technique Pattern
In the Vinyasa technique, many asanas are performed with simultaneous breaths. Here yoga expert Bholi Parihar has given the initial asanas to start the Vinyasa technique, which you can do sitting at home.
1. Downward facing dog
- Sit down in Vajrasana.
- Slowly open both your arms in front.
- Raising your knees, go towards the mountain posture.
- Push your crown head down or towards the mat. Your knees will remain lightly touched.
- Hold in this posture for 10 seconds. Take deep long breaths.
2. Chaturanga Asana
Method :
- After holding in the downward-facing posture, after taking a deep long breath, come into the Kumbhaka posture while inhaling.
- Hold this posture for some time and take 10-15 deep breaths.
- Exhaling go towards Chaturanga.
- In Chaturanga your knees will be on the ground and your upper body will remain in the air. Hold for 10 seconds in Chaturanga. After that slowly drop your body on the ground.
3. Bhujangasan
After the last line of Chaturanga posture, both hands will remain on the side while breathing in the continuation. under the shoulders. Slowly raise your upper body and come to Bhujangasana.
- Rest in this posture for some time. Hold for 10-15 minutes and take long deep breaths.
- Pull your shoulders back. Pull your chest area forward.
- While doing this asana, some pressure will come on your chest and some on the back.
- Exhaling slowly, go into the downward pose. Stay there. Keep your gaze on your navel. Rest in this posture for some time. Take 15-20 long deep breaths and release.
Vinyasa technique should not be done by those people who have knee problems or frozen shoulder problems. Even if they are doing it, do it under someone’s supervision.
In the Vinyasa technique, one posture after another has to be done. But the flow of breath goes along with it. Therefore, this technique is very helpful for the lungs and in increasing the oxygen level in the body. In the Corona period, vinyasa techniques benefit you both physically and mentally.