
Best Virtual interview Tips for Freshers and Experienced Candidates

Online job interviews have become commonplace as a result of COVID-19 and globalization. If you have already got the long-awaited interview, now you must prepare to get the job.

Beyond how you should dress , here are some tips to help you succeed in an online job interview.

Where should you look?

The best place to look during a video interview, especially when you speak, is directly into your webcam. When you’re talking, the person on the other end will inevitably be looking at your image on their screen, so the best way to mimic “eye contact” is to look directly into the camera that captures your live image.

When you watch the other person’s actual video, another app on your screen, or anywhere off-screen, it can seem like your attention is focused away from the other person.

That said, you may want to occasionally watch the other person’s video to get a sense of how they visually respond to what you’re saying. The best way to do this is to move your video window as close to your webcam as possible, usually the top center of your screen. Then, reduce your caller’s window to minimize the distance between their face and your webcam.

How should you take notes?

The best way to take notes is to use paper and pen, the old-fashioned way. To avoid doubt about what you’re doing, the first time you go to take notes, hold your notebook and pen up to the camera and let your interviewer know that if they see you looking down, you’re taking notes.

Although convenient, typing notes directly on your laptop can be distracting because clicking sounds will inevitably be picked up by your microphone. Also, typing on a laptop or phone during an interview can easily be mistaken for multitasking.

Is it okay to use your computer’s microphone?

Built-in microphones in laptops continue to improve, and the resulting audio will probably be acceptable. However, using it in a job interview may not be the most successful. First, the quality of built-in microphones tends to be worse than external microphones. Second, your voice will sound more distant. Third, the echo from the room can be picked up. And lastly, any strange sounds you make while touching your laptop or even typing on it can also be detected.

Instead, consider using an external lavalier microphone that you plug directly into your computer. These microphones allow for the highest quality audio without obstructing your face like with a handheld microphone. To hear the other person, use a wired or wireless headset.

Should you use a virtual background?

Popular video calling apps like Zoom and Skype offer virtual backgrounds, which can look surprisingly real. However, for an interview, it is advisable to refrain from virtual backgrounds.

First of all, the desired effect is often unconvincing. Most virtual backgrounds still look, even to the naked eye, artificial, so viewers may wonder why you choose to hide your real background.

And second, you could be interviewing at a time of day inconsistent with the images behind you. Imagine the confusion if you have a picture of a sunny living room behind you if it’s already dark outside.

Should you have personal objects in sight to convey your personality?

You may think that having some personal items like paintings, decorative objects or bookshelves in your background can add some visual interest to your video frame. However, unless you’re an interior designer or the objects behind you are directly relevant to the role you’re targeting, having objects in your background can be distracting or even provoke negative reactions.

The safest approach is to simply have a plain, neutral-colored background, such as a plain wall behind you. Using this background conveys how prepared and professional you are when it comes to remote video conferencing. This way, the interviewer can also focus all their attention on you.

How do you handle the conversation starter?

A good rule of thumb to follow with virtual interviews is to behave as if you were meeting that person in person. So when it comes to small talk, just be yourself and converse as you would if you were meeting your interviewer face-to-face for the first time.

The number of talks your interviewer wants to participate in will depend on cultural or organizational norms, but also on their personality. In general, do your best to read the situation. From there, you’ll have an idea of ​​when the talk ends and the interview begins (the interviewer will most likely take care of this step).

What if your Wi-Fi or band speed isn’t great?

You should address as many technology issues as possible before the interview begins. Even if it’s not in your control, having a poor connection won’t help your cause, especially if other candidates aren’t struggling with similar technology issues.

If your WiFi signal isn’t great, try interviewing from a location where you can have a strong connection. You can also take small steps to improve speed. For example, try connecting your device directly to your router. Close all other programs, especially those that are minimized, such as email or file sharing programs. You can also turn off any other devices in your house that are using the same network.

Recommendations for a job interview

Follow the below interview tips to help you succeed in a job interview for private and govt jobs.

Research the job and the company

You should always go to the companies where you have the job interview, knowing as much as possible about the company and the job you are applying for. This will help you to know exactly the job you are looking for, and to show the interviewer that you are a prepared person, that you already know how the company works, and that you take seriously the opportunity that they are offering you. 

Learn your resume 

It is not just about learning the dates or the courses you have done. This learning consists of finding an answer to everything that may have created doubts for the interviewer. Some examples are, who wants to know why you have not worked for a year, why you lasted so little time in your last job, etc. All these questions must have a reasonable answer, so it is necessary to invest time in finding an answer to any doubt that may arise from our curriculum.

Prepare to convince 

During the job interview  you must demonstrate your interest, your passion for that job. That it really is what you are looking for, convince the recruiter that you are passionate about that position, that your preparation makes you the perfect person for him and that if they hire you, you will give everything for the company. Prepare about the tell me about yourself question perfectly.

Ask your own questions 

Memorize a list of questions you would like to ask in the interview. And during it, also ask questions that arise, or point them out to ask at the right time. Your  questions must be worked on, you cannot ask the first thing that comes to your mind or ask things that were already made clear in the job offer.

Be grateful for the opportunity

Say goodbye to the interviewer thanking the opportunity they have given you, try to smile and look him in the eye. You must give her a handshake, and say goodbye to her with a state of mind as positive as the one you had when you greeted her for the first time. Ask for their contact details, perhaps a business card. Take advantage and send a letter of thanks in which you reiterate your interest in the position.

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