
Blog Writing

Write an article for the blog of our travel agency. From the article we will understand your style and character of writing;

Attach your portfolio to the application.

Track how the vacancy text relates to what the director said. This is the same request, only more structured. The recruiter transformed the director’s desire into an orderly vacancy and posted it on ten sites and buy essay online cheap.

  1. Inadequate – swear, write not on the case.
  2. Unsuitable – adequate but inadequate.
  3. Suitable – Meets all or nearly all requirements.

Only suitable responses will be submitted to the director for consideration. To get into the “suitable”, it is enough to meet all the expectations of the personnel officer and director.

Here’s what you should write in your cover letter:


  1. I want to work in the travel agency “Ogonyok” as a blog editor. I am finishing my last course. language of the Higher School of Economics. For the last two years I have been writing the “Travel” column in our faculty blog: httr: //
  2. I have no experience in travel business, but I have travel experience: for the last five years, every summer I went on independent travels in the USA, Europe, Scandinavia. Africa and Latin America. From these travels, I brought stories and photo reports for my personal site: httr: //
  3. I live in Moscow, and I am ready to work in an office.
  4. I am enclosing a test task. Since Ogonyok specializes in family vacations, he wrote an article about traveling with children. What do you think?
  5. I would be happy to discuss a job or a test task: +7 903 …

Ivan Petrov, editor


Let us examine how Ivan’s letter works and why it is so. From this analysis, the principles of applying for a vacancy will become clear.

Meet requirements

The first and most important thing that a personnel officer will pay attention to is compliance with formal requirements. He will see this on his resume, and if everything fits together, he will find confirmation in the cover letter. Therefore, a good letter should simply and humanly explain how you meet the requirements.

Specified in the vacancy

Higher education or last year

Experience in writing text for a blog

Writing skills for the internet

To the office, full time

Specified in the cover letter

I’m finishing it. lang. Higher School of Economics.

I wrote a travel column on the faculty blog.

Stories and photo reports on the personal website: httr: //

Ready to work full time in the office.

If you do not correspond in something, then it is better to say it directly and explain what you plan to do with it:

Experience in tourism

 I have no experience in travel business, but I love to travel.

Selling by Phone

 I’ve never sold by phone, but I’d love to learn.

If you don’t meet every job requirement, don’t give up. You can still apply for the job – but then you have to explain how you will overcome each discrepancy.

In vacancy

Work experience in the editorial office of a print publication for a year.

Knowledge of “Financial kata”.

Higher pedagogical education.

In your cover letter

I have no work experience, but for the last two years at university I have been publishing a printed monthly student magazine, so I understand some of the processes.

I have never worked in the “Financial Cut”, but I am ready to master it. Previously, he edited only in the “Premiere”.

I do not have a higher pedagogical education, but I have a teaching experience of 5 years.

The fact that you have overcome these contradictions in words does not mean anything yet. Maybe the personnel officer or director won’t believe you. Maybe they have no time to wait until you cope with everything. Or the personnel officer simply mechanically weeds out everyone who does not meet the requirements – it is impossible to say for sure. If you do not match the vacancy on most of the items, prepare for the fact that your response will go to the void.

Respond aiming

It is good when in the response to a vacancy it is clear that a person wrote to this particular company and to this particular vacancy, and not just sent letters in large quantities to all approximately similar vacancies

winning cover letter. Transmittal letter

Explain why you are responding to this particular position in order to convince a potential employer of your interest, motivation and encourage them to open your resume and buy essay writing service.

Experience and personal competence

Your goal is to draw attention to those aspects of your experience that can be used successfully in a new job.

Be very brief about your current job and qualifications, but do not provide too much information, or your resume may not be read. Your goal is to draw attention to those aspects of your experience that can be used successfully in a new job. Try to “adjust” skills and personal qualities to the requirements of the position. If you can, try to also explain the inconsistencies and “holes” in your resume. You can even give some examples of how overcoming difficulties helped you to shape as a professional.

Perfect team

Explain why you want to work for this particular company and what you know about it. Demonstrate your enthusiasm, interest in areas such as the business success of the organization, knowledge of key customers, values ​​and mission, staff involvement in public life. The source of information can be both the official website of the company, and visits to its office, branches, retail outlets, various professional events, in general, any insider information, everything that will help show the employer that you are familiar not only with the specifics of his business, but also with corporate culture.

Positive conclusion

Summing up, write about your readiness to meet with the employer for an interview, as well as that you are waiting for an answer to your response or call back in a few days (subtle point: leave yourself room for maneuver, do not be too intrusive).

What do you need:

  • Check that your letter is addressed correctly (name, position). If you do not have this information, call the company and ask for the name of the person who is responsible for receiving job applications. It will also give you the opportunity to call or write to that person to clarify details that you may forget to ask about during the interview, as well as to receive feedback on your candidacy.
  • Show that you are well versed in the structure of the company and its business activities.
  • If the job you are applying for is different from your current field of work, you need to identify the connections between the two.
  • Prepare a letter in a regular format, keep it short and factual, without unnecessary “water”. Ideally, it should not exceed one page and be broken down into easily readable semantic paragraphs.
  • When writing a letter, look at it from the employer’s point of view, not yours. In other words, it is better to write about how you can contribute to the organization, rather than about what the organization will give to your career.
  • If the letter is part of an email (and not an attachment), make sure that all formalities are followed (addressee, position, etc.).
  • Check spelling, edit, and check again.

What is not allowed

It is better to write about how you can contribute to the organization, rather than what the organization will give to your career.

  • Rewrite, duplicate your resume.
  • Send standard letters to different employers in different positions.
  • Mentioning compensation at this stage (with the exception of special requests to indicate your expectations) – this should be discussed later, at the offer stage.
  • Ignore instructions when applying for a job. Make sure the letter is addressed in accordance with business etiquette. Address the addressee by name, unless specifically noted.
  • Mention any negative information both in the letter and in the resume itself.

Cover Letter

Thus, the cover letter should be such that, after reading it, the recruiter will immediately reach out to invite you to a meeting without opening the resume.

In the cover letter, you need to answer the questions:

  • why you are interested in this vacancy;
  • what exactly of the requirements for the vacancy you have available, which of the responsibilities are familiar to you. Read the requirements and responsibilities carefully and do not be lazy to write it down;
  • if you have special positive emotions regarding this particular company – write about it. If not, don’t suck up, limit yourself to business arguments.


Business arguments

Often there is a situation when smart and competent people send responses for a vacancy of a very strange kind. Why is this happening? Most likely, such people are simply not familiar with business etiquette and do not know what to write in a cover letter of a job application.

In order to get a suitable job using the Internet, you need not only to find a vacancy, but also to respond to it. How to do it correctly in terms of business etiquette? Obviously, simply, without accompanying it with any commentary is not a very suitable solution. In order for the employer’s attention to be attracted, it is necessary to write a cover letter for a job application.

Naturally, people who have not faced a similar task before have many questions:

  • what exactly needs to be written; size should such a letter be; is better not to write in such a letter.

The answers to these questions are quite simple, they lend themselves to simple human logic. Everyone who tries to find a job using the global network should know them.

How to interest an employer

Answering this question, first of all, you need to think: who will read the cover letter for the job application, and what goals is this person pursuing?

So, there are two options for the addressee of such a letter:

  • personnel officer;
  • immediate supervisor.

What tasks are involved in the work of these people?

The personnel officer must decide who exactly needs to be allowed to meet with the manager. From the whole huge stream of people who send resumes, he needs to choose a few that are most suitable, because the manager physically will not be able to talk to everyone. Thus, the main task of the personnel officer is to filter the flow of incoming applications and weed out candidates that are not suitable for the vacancy.

Suitable for the vacancy

A recruiter needs to refuse inadequate applicants, those who are unfit for a professional or simply, for one reason or another, are not suitable for this position. Based on the results of the recruiter’s work, only a few adequate applicants who meet the requirements of the vacancy and in the future can cope well with the job received should get to the manager for a meeting.

The leader is faced with a different task. If a vacancy is open, then there is a gap in the work system that needs to be closed. Naturally, it is better to cover it with a quality option than the first one that comes along. This means that the candidate must meet the minimum requirements, be suitable for the vacancy in terms of qualifications, age, experience and independence. The last criterion is often quite important, because there is not always the time and opportunity to train a new employee – it is much easier and more convenient if he immediately starts performing the necessary work. Thus, the main task of a manager is to fill a vacancy with a suitable candidate and writing.

People who are recruiting usually have two “pains”:

  • an applicant who is not suitable for the position;
  • Applicant without experience or the proper level of independence, who has to be trained, spending time and money.

It is quite logical that in order to get a vacancy, it is necessary to make it clear to the employer that you do not belong to these categories. It’s not that difficult, you just need to understand what information is relevant and what is not.

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