Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorce in Milwaukee
A contested divorce is where the couple has to go through a court case with their divorce. This is typical because one of them wants to contest the other party’s claim. An uncontested divorce typically means that there isn’t a problem that needs to be resolved in court, and the person filing for this type of divorce can do so without involving anyone else.
In Milwaukee, divorces are uncontested in about 60% of cases. One factor that might contribute to this number is how easy it is for people to get divorced without a judge presiding over proceedings. Another reason could be how inexpensive it can be: filing fees and legal fees are usually fairly low in comparison with other states, and waiting periods tend to not exist at all in Wisconsin. Moreover, you can cut a lot of expenses on the fees you pay for a divorce attorney in Milwaukee when you choose an uncontested divorce.
Differences Between Contested and Uncontested Divorce
Contested divorces are not typically something that people consider with a lot of excitement. This is because they involve going to court and having your personal affairs become a matter of public record. However, you should know what you are getting into if you do decide to pursue this type of divorce so that you can make an informed decision.
However, there are some advantages to contested divorces. For starters, you can use discovery techniques such as depositions and interrogatories to gather information about your spouse’s finances and other aspects of the divorce case. You can also get some input from the court on how to resolve certain issues in dispute between the two parties involved in a contested divorce case.
Contested divorces also tend to be a little bit faster than uncontested divorces. This is because, in the former, there is a judge or magistrate who will oversee the case and make sure that the process moves along.
Moreover, several issues can only be decided in courts, such as child custody and property division. If you want to win at least some of these points, a contested divorce might be your best bet. Also, if you have an attorney fighting on your behalf, this will likely lengthen the amount of time it takes for you to get divorced.
Whereas, an uncontested divorce is the most efficient and fastest way to get divorced. You do not need to spend a lot of money to get these kinds of divorces, unlike what you will have to do for contested ones. There is no need for an attorney or even a court appearance. If you don’t want your spouse’s input on how your assets or debts will be divided, then it may be in your best interest to get an uncontested divorce.