CPAP Lawsuit and Everything it Entails
Philips Respironics recalled several of its BiPAP and CPAP machines plus ventilators due to increased health complications among users. The recall happened in June 2021. Therefore, CPAP device users who developed complications after using the device are allowed to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer.
When you file your claim against Philips Respironics, you will need to submit medical documentation, proof of CPAP or BiPAP use, and other documents that prove your medical condition is related to the defective ventilators. A defective device lawyer from Shouse Law Group will boost your chances of winning the case.
Candidates for CPAP Lawsuit
Anyone who has developed severe side effects after using a CPAP device is eligible for a CPAP lawsuit. Some of the rampant health complications include cancer, asthma, COPD, Pneumonia, migraines, emphysema, COPD, kidney failure, lung damage, liver damage and more.
Causes of the Defective CPAP Issues
According to experts, several reasons can trigger a malfunction. For instance, air could be released back into your lungs without you knowing it. This leads to health complications and even death. Another cause includes insufficient oxygen delivery and compromised breathing patterns which result in heart failure and other cardiac issues.
The FDA is still investigating the root cause of the defective CPAP machines. They have identified a possible defect in specific models of BiPAP and CPAP devices manufactured from 2010 to 2021. In addition, they found out that users who had their therapy pressure set at 10cm or higher were more likely affected by the device issues. However, it is still unclear whether the issues were caused by a single manufacturer defect or several smaller defects that led to the larger issue.
Philips Respironics and Other CPAP Manufacturers:
About 55 class actions have been filed against Philips Respironics. Several other companies such as Resmed, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare and others are likewise involved in numerous lawsuits. The manufacturers shouldered the blame since they used counterfeit materials in manufacturing the devices and their failure to correct the issues after knowing of the problems with their products.
What You Should Do
If you were diagnosed with a serious medical condition such as cancer or other respiratory and kidney-related issues and if it happened while using a sleep apnea machine, you have a right to file a claim. To get started, download the compensation forms from the Philips Respironics website or call their customer service for more information on how to proceed with your case.
How a Defective Product Lawyer Can Help You:
A defective product lawyer can help you file your case and represent your interests in court. If you are eligible to file a claim, the lawyer will help you with the next steps and ensure your rights as a consumer are protected. Furthermore, they can also negotiate on your behalf so you get fair compensation.
Hire a Lawyer?
The best CPAP attorney has years of experience helping clients recover from injuries they have sustained from defective products . They have the know-how to help you win your case against Philips Respironics, Resmed or any other related manufacturers.