Differences are a Part of Life, Let’s Learn to Accept Them

,.There’s nothing unnatural coming across the fact that people are different from us in one way or the other. It is not wrong in trying to influence people until the approach is positive.
But, the real problem arises when we select a negative approach. And become overconfident about our own self and start finding flaws in others that results in making us angry and annoying towards others.
Not just this, the worst is when we become forceful in making others act and behave like us.
So, what is the main reason behind this?
Lack of acceptance towards the fact that everybody is “different” and this “difference” needs to be accepted.
This article targets people who are controlling towards others and therefore behave abusively while being in any relationship.
Most of the time when we analyze a situation. Sometimes the only reason for our struggle is that we fail to accept that the other person was different.
Interactions with different people don’t have to be the reason for stress. But somehow, they should be among the experiences you cherish later.
What Benefits Do You Get When Differences are Accepted?
The difference is the only aspect that makes the world as fascinating as it is today. Meeting and relating with people who are different means we have kind of a connection with them.
We get to learn different things about the world and people during this meeting process. This is going to helps us grow and flourish not just intellectually but also spiritually.
For instance, an acquaintance told me that he booked an Uber back in Miami whose driver was originally from Venezuela. This short time meeting let him know about the native people. Including of the country, their culture, political turmoil, economical challenge, and much more.
To be precise, he got to know about many things which he could not find in any book or on the internet.
Being accepting of the similarities and differences other people have makes way for limitless opportunities. You get to learn so many new things that help you in the long run while making complex yet better decisions.
These decisions surely support you in improving your career and enhancing confidence. This habit of openness and acceptance allows more people to interact with you.
That results in which progress towards new friendships, travel opportunities, and other than this, make us more interesting because of a broad mindset.
Other than friendships, in other relationships, differences often become the reason for conflicts. If handled with an open mind, they can be a blessing too. The unique perspectives of both partners can enhance the bond and help the other partner cope with the weak points.
For example, I always look forward to my wife whenever I need some wise advice and similarly she depends blindly on me when it comes to navigation during travelling.
What are the Hurdles We Face While it Comes to Accepting Differences?
We are all grown up with different experiences, different families and cultures, so it’s normal to have differences on many things.
Growing in a place where people are of the same mindset or are taught not to be different makes us unacceptable towards differences.
At the same time, being born in a place where you have parents to encourage you to connect with people of diverse nature.
Let’s take the inspiration of my personal experience, I grew up in a faraway land where there was not much understanding about the ethnic groups, race, ideas, and even religion.
But when I moved to a bigger city that has a lot of diversity to attend college, I came across many people with different ideas and thoughts.
Here, the thing to be noted is that you don’t have to let your past restrict you from learning new things, ideas, the diverse nature of people, or anything that can help you flourish and advance.
The first step of moving towards accepting people is to accept your own self as to what you really are.
Sadly, we often start to guard ourselves to come across differences instead of start accepting differences. Most of the time, mistrust is the main reason why we fail to accept differences.
Mistrust and Fear
At times, the highlighted aspect behind mistrust or fear is nothing but our own uncertainty about how to interact with other people.
Nobody among us likes to look unwanted or stupid in front of others. To eliminate this discomfort, we most of the time start to create negative scenarios about people. So that we can mentally justify why we are not connecting with them.
Another and stronger source of fear comes with the wrong belief the other people’s mindsets will make your thoughts and viewpoint worthless.
This is not at all true. People who are not like us might have different beliefs or experiences but that does not demand us to compromise our own position or identity.
I remember when I met my wife, I was so worried about whether she is going to like me or not because we are different in many ways. Instead, what do I discover?
That I can easily be different and can comfortably share what I think without making her hate me. Of course, I do the same for her in accepting her differences to make a healthy relationship.
Accepting Does Not Mean Agreement
Let’s be clear about a fact: accepting a difference or someone’s difference of point of view does not mean you have to agree with what others are saying or thinking.
It means you are fine with doing your thing while enabling others to do theirs without any conflict or need of any kind of change in your mindset or the other one’s.
One of my best friends, Tom, is a big fan of fishing, and for me, it is a total waste of time. Still, he is always there to support and encourage me in my work, which is highly appreciable.
Or we can talk about my neighbor who is not at all into religion which is completely different from me as I am very faithful with my faith.
Still, last summer, she invited me to her place for an amazing Brazilian dinner. And there is my dear daughter, who is completely against voting, unlike me, which is highly unacceptable for some parents, but still respects and loves her.
Acceptance Does Not Mean We Accept False Behavior
Acceptance does not at all mean that an individual has to accept others’ false behavior too.
During a lifetime, we need to choose the people we want in our lives and it’s the best practice. In order to set limitations for people who may end up causing harm to us.
If they are not hurting, then eliminating negative thoughts can help you learn and access benefits.
How to Practice Tolerance for Others?
If you have identified accepting differences as an area of growth, we have some ways to support you in achieving this goal.
First of all, being aware of and understanding your own fears will be very helpful. It will allow you to know how you are imposing your judgments and insecurities on others.
Challenge these fears and insecurities to sort your thoughts, mind. And heart so you become understanding and appreciative towards differences you have with other people.
While considering someone and listen to their thoughts and beliefs instead of abruptly making perceptions by a quick judgement.
Imagine yourself as an explorer and get fascinated by their personality features, culture, schooling, background, and other life experiences.
See the differences in others as an expression of their beauty and glamour.
Consider that ultimate feeling of being accepted while thinking about others. Acceptance is a gift that undoubtedly pays back. Think about how much a relationship can flourish and advance if you accept the small differences of habits, thoughts, or viewing things completely without any complications.
Treat other people exactly like how you want to be treated, it just makes things less complicated.
Accepting the differences you have with other people, requires a journey into your own psyche, but it is worth giving it a shot.
Everybody on planet earth has a different point of view. On a professional and personal level, our lives become better when we respect others while not being in agreement with them. Accepting the uniqueness of others may require a voyage into our own psyche, but it is a journey worth doing.
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For instance, this article helps you learn why accepting differences is a good thing. And how it can help you become a better person.