linkedin marketing agency

linkedin marketing agency
Go, to perfect your knowledge, we will tackle small definitions.
Marketing is used to analyze consumer needs linkedin marketing agency. So you’ll have to research your personas (it’s a portrait of your ideal customers) so that you can then achieve your goals .
Once this is done, you will bring together a set of means to influence the different behaviours of your buyers. You will then adapt your offer. This is to constantly create value in the eyes of your customers.
Marketing exists to differentiate you from the various competitors in the market.
In a marketing strategy, you must:
- Find his target.
- Create your network of customers.
- Highlight your value proposition.
- Make loyal
- Maintain customer relationships.
There are different types of marketing that we are going to talk about.
B2B Marketing
This term simply means “Business to Business” (which can also be called industrial marketing ) and is aimed at marketing between professionals. It opposes BtoC marketing. In this kind of marketing, the customers are businesses. Unlike BtoC marketing, there may be fewer players but it converts better seo companies belfast.
Even if you are not selling directly to an individual, it is important not to neglect the analysis part of your target. You will focus on things like:
- What type of business do I want to sell to?
- How will they react to my product?
- How will I meet their needs?
- How can I be different?
The logic is the same as that of BtoC marketing but the linkedin marketing agency plan will be very different.
If you do not yet know very well how to differentiate Btoc marketing from Btob, here are two btob examples that can help you:
- A company buys computer parts from a specialized company for its fleet of computers.
- A restaurant sourcing from a wholesaler.
Btob is simply the commercial relations between two marketing video production belfast.
Inbound Marketing
In recent years, Inbound marketing has established itself as a benchmark in this area. This is one of the acquisition strategies that work best. And we’ll tell you why.
Already, Inbound marketing means “incoming marketing”. It’s about attracting a prospect who doesn’t know you yet and thus becoming a customer. There are several ways to do inbound marketing through:
- White papers.
- Webinars.
- And THA.
- Podcasts.
- Television advertising.
- Etc…
In BtoB, it is the technique par excellence because it allows you to maintain the link between you and your prospects so that they become customers. One of the elements that must be taken into account when doing Inbound Marketing is the maintenance of the relationship, which is more commonly called “lead nurturing”.
With nothing to do with cooking, lead nurturing will allow you to keep in touch with your prospect or client. Yes, it is good that a prospect comes to you, but then? This is where we will have to think to support the customer throughout his purchase journey. Depending on where the prospect is in the conversion tunnel, you will need:
- Arouse his curiosity, his attention.
- Encourage him to come back to your site.
- Make him understand that you can meet his needs.
- Make the Internet user understand that you will be there at each stage of their journey.
Outbound Marketing
In opposition to Inbound marketing, Outbound will seek out the customer rather than letting them come to you. The term means “Outbound Marketing” and it is the traditional form of marketing.
You will make sure to communicate video production service in belfast to reach your target. How? You will put up posters in key places (we are talking about physical places), where your customers are potentially located but also on the digital display (when you advertise Adwords for example).
This form of marketing is used less and less as new approaches have emerged. However, the simplicity it represents means that it is still present in some brands. We can also combine physical poster campaigns with digital poster campaigns. This leads to complementarity in communication.
We can do outbound marketing with emails (we are talking about cold email and we strongly advise you to take a look at this article ). Do you think the email is dated and no longer used? Nay, quite the contrary. The email is and will remain a powerful tool in your prospecting strategy. You have to use it but use it well.
To be very effective, we even recommend sending an email to your prospect before contacting him on another medium. Why? Thanks to this, your prospect will already know your name, and it will be easier for you to initiate the conversation if he has already seen you somewhere.
Strategic Marketing
We have made pretty good progress on the different types of marketing, we are now moving on to strategic marketing. Queso?
Well, it’s simple! Strategic marketing, as opposed to operational marketing, will allow you to focus on short-term goals. It is implemented in the following steps:
Identify your targets.
Analyze the market.
Goal setting.
Position your offer.
Implementation of the marketing mix (the marketing mix corresponds to the actions that you will put in place to ensure the success of your solution).
Track your actions.
You will put in place a strategy that adapts to the commercial objectives of your company thus taking into account the whole strategy during the strategic planning.
To help you in setting your objectives, you can use the SMART method which corresponds to:
- Specific (What is my goal? Is it clear?)
- Measurable (How will I measure the success of my goal? How do I quantify it?).
- Achievable (Is it achievable?).
- Realistic (What can I concretely do?).
- Temporal (How long should I take to achieve my objective(s)?).
What you need to remember is that strategy marketing will essentially focus on prospecting and then the way to retain your audience.
Product Marketing
If you want to sell a product on the market, you will turn to this type of marketing. As the name suggests, it will focus primarily on what you are going to offer your customers.
You will therefore have to think about (once again) your personas and thus know what you are going to offer them. As a reminder , you must respond to your target’s pain points. What are you going to bring them? How will you meet their needs? To their expectations?
So everything must be thought out to satisfy your customer. You will think about the following:
- Design of your product.
- The brand name.
- Packaging.
- The range of your product (Mid-range? High-end?).
You will need to be able to offer a product that meets the expectations of your consumers based on the points we have discussed before. This is why the analysis of your personas, their expectations but also of the market will allow you to match your offer to your customers.
Two elements are to be remembered for product marketing:
- The visual.
- The characteristics of your product.
Indeed, they say that appearance does not count but when you do product marketing, it changes the game a bit. You will have to offer an aesthetic vision, which makes you want, which has good ergonomics. It is by analyzing your market that you will be able to offer a visually pleasing product.
Regarding the functional aspect, it is also the analysis of your market that will ensure that you provide the functionalities that your target needs. You need to ask yourself how your consumers are going to use your product.
operational marketing
This type of marketing comes in opposition to strategic marketing. It designates all the techniques that you must put in place to achieve your marketing objectives. The objectives of operational marketing are situated in the medium term. They will certainly be changed along the way to adapt to market realities.
This is the moment when you will most certainly take action since you will receive feedback and make decisions accordingly.
In operational marketing, you will be able to communicate about your product, promote it and then make it known.
Important information to know is that even if operational marketing is the opposite of strategic marketing, they are often complementary. Operations will take over from strategic marketing to bringing your projects to life.
Le marketing digital
We have talked about a lot of marketing, now on to digital marketing. This one is very simple to understand since it will bring together the different marketing techniques to promote a product on all digital channels such as:
- I’m-mailing.
Emailing still has a bright future ahead of it. And for good reason, it will allow you to approach your potential customer, activate it and retain it. Moreover, in a prospecting strategy, we can even automate emails, but we will come back to this later in this article.
- And THAT.
This is also called natural referencing. This will allow you to position yourself on search engines according to the request (keyword) of a user. It is very easy to set up the SEO and it will cost you almost nothing. Indeed, you will need little hands writing content about your offers (products or services).
- Adwords.
It’s online advertising: you will be able to create different ads depending on the display you want to have (on display, on Youtube, in search format… It’s up to you).
- linkedin marketing agency.
You will be able to promote your product or services through affiliate partners. For example, Amazon has several hundred thousand affiliates in its affiliate program.
- Social networks.
You can very well do a marketing campaign on social networks (two options are available to you, to do organic (free) or paid).
There are other media through which you can communicate but we have decided to list the main ones for you. Besides, we talked to you about social networks, and if we focused on LinkedIn.
What is linkedin marketing agency?
LinkedIn is the world’s leading professional platform. It has over 810 million users which makes this platform extremely popular. Note that this platform is intended for employees, entrepreneurs, recruiters, and those seeking employment in various fields.
On LinkedIn, you can do almost anything:
- Prospecting.
- Gain visibility and notoriety.
- Meet professionals in your sector.
- Highlight your products or services.
- Develop your network and your career.
The platform will allow you, among other things, to connect to members, share content and boost your notoriety.
Well, it’s a professional network, we understand that, but what does it bring? Glad you asked the question. Your LinkedIn page is more than just a resume. If you are looking for a job, this page will serve as your showcase. So it’s in your interest to linger on it.
If you are not looking for a job, the platform will allow you to find your prospects or quite simply to show your area of expertise and thus make yourself credible if you wish to sell your services for example.
This medium provides you with an essential digital presence if you are a little diligent.
What is LinkedIn marketing?
Now that we have seen the two definitions of the two different words, we will explain what LinkedIn marketing is.
Put simply, marketing on LinkedIn marketing agency consists of:
- Create relationships (so you will have new connections).
- Boost your brand to sell a product or service.
- Establish partnerships.
- Share content (including through the power of copywriting).
- Drive traffic to your website.
- Get new leads.
If you want to have a top marketing strategy you should integrate linkedin marketing agencyinto your process.
Why Do LinkedIn Marketing?
We don’t always think of LinkedIn when it comes to marketing. Of course, we’re thinking of Facebook and Instagram, making sponsored posts … However, the network of pros has something to give you a big boost.
By the way, did you know that LinkedIn was more effective in terms of generating leads than Facebook? This is because LinkedIn is a trust-based platform.
People coming to LinkedIn trust linkedin marketing agency (it’s also one of the most trusted platforms in the world) because when you go to someone’s profile, that’s a real person. he sees , not an entity.
Therefore, when we see the profile of someone who wants to sell us a product, we will be able to see their connections (are they connected with someone I know?), their different posts, and the way he expresses himself on the network. You will be able to determine if he is an expert on the subject or not.
Moreover, you have no barriers on linkedin marketing agency . What we mean by this is that you can talk directly to the people in charge of the product or the decision-makers. This is a great strength of LinkedIn. That’s why it pays to market on LinkedIn. Your chances of converting are significantly higher than with the social networks we already know.
Go multi-channel
If the word “multichannel” means nothing to you, we will quickly explain what it is. To put it simply, multichannel is a marketing strategy in which you will use different means of contact to sell a product or service. You adapt to the behaviour of your users.
You don’t skip steps when doing multichannel, you will of course have to define your target (again this buyer persona!) and think about your means of communication. If you contact your prospects only on LinkedIn, you lose the possibility of attracting future customers by email. And conversely, if you prospect only by email, you miss chances of converting on LinkedIn.
So, what do we do? Well, we will contact the same person, yes, but we will multiply the possibilities of conversion by contacting him on various channels.
You can combine your LinkedIn strategy with an element like mailing. Some consider it obsolete, but email still has a very bright future ahead of it.
We even consider that it is better to contact your prospect first by email and then to contact him again on linkedin marketing agency.
Besides, did you know that we could do multichannel with Galaxy?
A tool for multichannel? Galaxy of course!
We no longer present our flagship prospecting tool : Galaxy. With this, you will be able to do a good number of actions that will allow you to considerably boost your prospecting.
You will be able to do automated prospecting to boost all your professional opportunities, expand your network and send messages and emails.
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