Ensure That You Practice These When You Have A Newborn
Having a newborn baby is a magical feeling. But it can also be overwhelming and exhausting, especially when you are a new parent. You have to take care of endless little things – be it feeding the baby or choosing the best baby massage oil. Not to forget the sleepless nights and constant care for the baby. In short, there is a lot to do and a lot to learn.
With a perfect guide and a few tips, baby care becomes manageable. Down below, we have listed some of the essential practices you can begin with.
Get Your Home Baby Ready
Your home is getting a new member, so it needs a bit of revamping or new things to be baby-ready. One of the first things you can do is to create a space for the nursery. You will also need extra closets for storage.
Apart from space, you will also need to purchase a few things such as a cradle, rocking chair or glider, toy bins, baskets, extra shelves, baby tubs, and so on. And that is just furniture, you will also have to invest in products such as baby massage oil, shampoo, soap, powder, and lotion.
Start Reading the Product Labels
Talking about baby care products, you need to start checking the labels and ingredients whether you buy a diaper or a baby massage oil. There are plenty of products containing chemicals and preservatives that can be harmful to the baby in the long run. Some of the ingredients you should look out for are Parabens, Sulfate, Triclosan, Triclocarban, etc.,
The best tip to avoid these chemicals is to opt for natural baby care products. Thankfully, you can now find brands offering 100% natural toxin-free formula for baby care products. You can also check their labels to see which ingredients are good for your little love.
Follow Hygienic Practices
A newborn baby’s immune system is still fragile, and this is why you need to follow hygienic practices. You can begin with a deep cleaning of the home to get rid of germs and bacteria. Clean laundry is another one of the things that should be on your priority list. Some other practices you can follow are:
- Regularly disinfect the feeding utensils like milk bottles and pacifiers.
- Ensure you clean your hands with antibacterial soap, especially before feeding the baby or changing the diaper.
- Keep your kitchen clean as it is the place where you will be preparing the baby food.
After-Feeding and Burping Tips
Done with home and hygiene? It is time to learn how to care for the baby after feeding. One of the most important things you need to practice once the baby has fed is burping. Babies tend to swallow air while feeding, and this causes gas and colic. To expel this excess air, parents need to burp their babies. This also aids in better digestion and prevents spit-ups.
For burping, gently hold the baby against your chest with one hand. The chin should be on the shoulder. Now, lightly stroke or pat the back of the newborn with your other hand until the burp comes. You can also change the burping position as per your and your baby’s comfort. For instance, you can lay the baby on your lap on their belly and then gently pat the back. In this position, make sure the baby’s head is higher than the chest.
Learn How To Massage The Baby
Just taking care of the baby is not enough, you need to start bonding too. Massaging is a great way to bond with your newborn and give them a soothing experience. A good baby massage oil also helps in improving blood circulation and nourishing the skin. Here are some tips on how to massage the baby:
- Spread a towel to lay down the baby. This will also make sure that the massage does not get messy and the towel absorbs the excess oil.
- Now, take a good quality baby massage oil. As mentioned, you can buy baby massage oil with natural ingredients. We would suggest you try Mamaearth’s baby massage oil as it contains a perfect blend of sesame oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and Almond oil.
- Use gentle and rhythmic strokes on the body.
- Your baby may cry or become cranky, but this is normal. Try to maintain eye contact and talk to your baby to calm them down.
If you are a first-time parent, these things may seem daunting in the beginning. In such a case, do not hesitate to take help from someone. Happy parenting!