Everything You Need To Know About Botox Right Now!

Remember Cinderella’s fairy godmother that transformed a pumpkin into a carriage? We present to you the cosmetic equivalent – botox treatment.
OK, that was an exaggeration, but botox has proven to be the best treatment for those of us wanting explosive collagen production. It is touted by celebrities and influencers like the Kardashians, making it the number one choice for rejuvenated, plump, and supple skin. It is made up of very small amounts of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum in a purified and refined form. When injected, It interrupts signals that force muscle contractions.
Botox offers immediate visible results enabling removal of fine lines and wrinkles as easy as blurring them on Photoshop! With over six million Botox injections administered every year, it is one of the most popular and effective cosmetic treatments.
For something that has dominated the cosmetic industry for over 20 years, It has myths and misconceptions surrounding it, keeping interested people on the fence.
Let us bust these myths and shine some light on Botox’s mystery helping you make an informed decision. Here are five undeniable facts about Botox you should know before considering the treatment.
What is Botox?
Botox comes from a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum which may sound complicated, but it is much simpler than that. A non-technical explanation of how botox functions are that it is a by-product of a naturally occurring bacterium that makes fine lines and wrinkles fade away when applied in small doses. It is particularly beneficial because it goes to work immediately. You should notice an improvement shortly after your treatment.
While the origins of botox may not sound as glamorous as the technique itself, when handled by a professional, It can rid you of numerous cosmetic and medical issues.
How Do Botox Injections Work?
The movement of our facial muscles is triggered by a neurotransmitter that sends signals to the muscle to move. It inhibits muscle movements, depleting the neurotransmitter’s efficacy in the area of application.
It works by blocking local nerve impulses in the targeted area, limiting complete control of your facial expressions resulting in reduced wrinkles.
Where Can You Get Botox Injections?
It is essentially used to remedy, prevent and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing targeted muscles. The skin surrounding our eyes and forehead, being the most sensitive, is susceptible to sagging and wrinkling due to frequent muscle movements used in facial expressions.
The FDA has approved Botox injections in critical areas such as the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes, and the space between eyebrows. However, it can also be used to soften necklines, chin lines, decrease fine lines around the mouth, and lift the corners of the mouth. It can be used to minimize sweating in the underarms and face.
Before and After
It can be used to treat a variety of aging signs and medical conditions such as eye squints, jaw tension, and excessive sweating. It can help manage other medical conditions caused by involuntary muscle contractions or spasms like migraines and even overactive bladders.
For example,
Botox has been used to relax smile muscles around the mouth, skin under the eyes, and saggy skin on the forehead in this before and after picture.
You may have heard that celebrities who are conscious about their appearance refrain from overusing their facial muscles. While this sounds outrageous, there may be some truth behind it.
The muscles around our eyes, foreheads, and between our eyebrows tend to wrinkle due to constant movement. When it is applied to the wrinkled skin, it inhibits the free activity, resulting in softened lines and wrinkles.
How Much Botox Is Too Much Botox.
The amount of botox required to help you attain the desired appearance varies from person to person. Still, a general rule of thumb when considering botox is 20 units for forehead wrinkles and 2-10 units for crow’s feet. More than the depth of your wrinkles, the strength required by your muscles plays a definitive role in how much botox you need.
Minor forehead lines require 15-25 units of it every three months; however, 25 units would be required every three months for deep-set wrinkles.
It takes about 24 to 48 hours to kick in, with visible results beginning to appear between three to seven days. However, it can take up to 14 days for complete botox results to be visible.
How Long Does Botox Typically Last?
The visible effects of botox can last up to three months, given that proper dosage is administered. If you opt for a low dosage, the effects of botox may fade earlier. The strength of your muscles where it has been administered plays an essential role in dividing how long the results last.
Your body’s ability to metabolize the inhibited neurotoxin decides the amount of it required to remedy the ill effects of aging, which differs from person to person.
Botox and fillers are entirely different things. Fillers are used to filling fine lines, whereas it is used to relax muscles training them to cause fewer wrinkles and fine lines.
It can take up to 14 days for complete botox results to kick in.
FDA-approved vital areas include the area between eyebrows, crow’s feet near eyes, and fine lines on the forehead.
Unlike fillers, botox isn’t reversible, making it crucial to choose a seasoned clinic with extensive experience.
If you are considering it or looking for a more competent clinic, Bella Voi offers botox injection in Baton Rouge, opening doors to unparalleled cosmetic beauty. Book an appointment with us today!