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Best Head Lice Solutions For You | No Panic Guide For Best Solutions

Head lice solutions become compulsory when you are suffering from this issue. Head lice is an issue from which we all suffer from time to time. But there are no worries about it. It is the situation that has a solution. So just stay calm. First, you have to know about the issue then we will move towards the solutions.

There also comes the situation when a person of the house introduces the lice to the whole house. All the people start suffering from this condition as they go from one head to another. So there is also a need to discuss the causes of their spread from one head to another.

What Are Head Lice?

The head lice are wingless and small insects that feed, live and even breed on the human head in their scalp. They do not usually carry any diseases neither they transmit them. Head lice have been the predators for humans for millions of years, and this process is still ongoing.

The only way of their transferring of one head to another is crawling. They cannot fly, but they can easily crawl. So the head lice solutions become necessary at times due to their fast growth process.

Growth Rate Of Lice

The female louse gives 3 to 8 eggs that are nits in a day. Their growth takes not a more extended period. So if not treated, your head will fill with lice and nits.

Symptoms that you have lice in the head

Itchy Scalp

You will feel an itchy feeling in your scalp when there are lice. It is an alarming sign as it is usually the most common symptom that everyone gets.

Scratching The Head And Neck

Some people also scratch their heads. Also, some people even scratch the back of their head and neck, causing irritation and redness.

A Crawling Sensation In Head

If you feel that something is moving in your head, there could be lice in your head. Be careful. Check for them. You all need to get rid of those tiny insects.

Bugs On Hair

When there are many lice in your hair, then there comes a time that you can see those bugs in your hair. This is very unhygienic, and it is an attack on your personality.

Nits In Hair

The nits look like dandruff. So you might mix it with dandruff but be careful. The nits have a much proper shape than dandruff. It has a specific form, so you can see that it is not dandruff by looking properly.

Pink Eye Infection

The lice are not so good. They can even cause you the pink eye infection, so get the solutions for head lice whenever you identify an issue in your head.

Head Lice Solutions For You

Now we need to move on that what are the possible ways to get rid of head lice.

Combing Them Out

Combing out the lice from the head is the most traditional way that is still in use. It is effective. In this kind of treatment, you take a comb with a very fine tooth. The teeth don’t give the lice space to get through them and thus takes with them.

But now, you can find the special combs in the drugstores or even the grocery stores that will be a great source of lice removal from your head.

Apply Conditioners On Head

There are special conditioners for head lice removal from the hair. You can buy them. You have to apply those products to your head as the company recommends and then comb your hair. The lice will automatically come out of your head.

But there is also an issue while you use these conditioners. The lice might become resistant to these shampoos and conditioners. So if you feel that they are not treating your head lice, you have to move towards the other options that you can use to kill the lice but this time with new ingredients.

Visiting the Doctor

If you don’t feel like anything is working, then there is a time that you need to visit the doctor. The doctors have special head lice solutions for you. They have the chemicals with which they will clean your head. Or they can give you heat treatments or others that depends upon the condition of your head.

Protection From Lice

There is also a need for head lice solutions that we can take even when there are no lice in our heads. The precautionary measures are always beneficial.

Avoid Head Contact

  • Try to avoid any head contact with the people. Remember again, they cannot fly, but they can crawl to your head. Also, avoid sharing the accessories that are related to your head and scarfs etc.
  • It would also help avoid any head contact with the sofas and sitting areas in public places. This is also a very common but the most unnoticed reason due to which you get the lice.

Apply Organic Shampoos

The best solution for head lice is organic shampoos. These kinds of shampoos have a particular scent in them. When you apply them to yourself or your children, they will become resistant to head lice.

You can also find the sprays in the market. Just spray that on your head, and you are good to go without the fear of lice transfer in your head.

Protect Your Children

Children between 3 to 11 are the ones who mostly suffer from the issue of head lice. It is normal. But always make sure to teach your child the necessary precautions to protect themselves from this issue. Also, check their head regularly and treat if you find anything on the spot.

So these are all the Head Lice Prevention for avoiding the head lice and after getting the head lice in your head. Follow them as you don’t want any parasite to feed on your blood and in your scalp.

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