
First Grade Lesson Plans – Seven Must-Haves for Student Success

Lesson plans are essential for teaching multiple disciplines or a specific content area. The quality of your lesson plans will significantly impact how efficiently class time end and how much content your students learn each period.

Lesson plans do not have to be extensive. The most important thing is that they include the essential points of the lecture. They are intended to direct your instruction so that you may make the maximum of your classroom time (Chizhik & Chizhik, 2018)

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What Are the Components of an Effective Lesson Plan?

1.      Collect Your Relevant Materials

What materials will you require to teach the lesson? This includes both student and personal needs. Don’t overlook technology like your document camera and laptop.

Assemble everything so that you’re ready to go when your students arrive. You don’t want to be scrambling about in the middle of a lesson trying to find the protractors you thought were in the bottom cabinet, only to realize they’re not there at the last minute.

Organizing your resources beforehand saves time in class and offers you great peace of mind. When your resources are ready, you may focus all your energy on teaching the lesson.

2.     Understand Your Class Objectives

What are you expecting your students will be able to do by the end of the lesson? This should be given to your students verbally at the start of the course and displayed in a prominent position in your classroom.

It’s good to have a dedicated area in your room where you post your objectives regularly and a clear process for introducing the goals, such as asking your students to read them aloud at the start of class each day.

Communicating the learning objectives to your students verbally and in writing motivates them to work with a specific goal in mind and helps you and your students stay on track during the lesson.

Your lesson should always be centred on the objectives. SMART objectives can help you maximize your efforts to achieve successful learning outcomes—smart objectives that stand for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Activate Background Knowledge

Set the stage by tapping on your students’ background knowledge to prepare them for the new concept you’ll deliver, whether prior learning, life experience, or both.

The goal is to establish connections between what you are teaching and what your students already know. For example, if you’re going to teach a lesson on similes and metaphors in writing, start by discussing what makes a story engrossing to a reader.

Asking them to express their opinions based on compelling stories they have read will engage your students in the debate. “Interesting characters,” “interesting narrative,” “suspense,” and “ability to relate to the characters or plot” are a few possible reactions you might receive.

Direct Guidance

This is the “meat” of your lesson plan. It is where you deliver the new concept that is part of the lesson objectives.

Prepare your students for success by teaching them essential vocabulary words necessary for understanding the idea or content you will introduce to them. When students know these important words ahead of time, they may concentrate their efforts on learning the concept or understanding the text (usessaywriter, 2022)

Speak clearly and effectively. Less is more as long as you stay on topic. Use a whiteboard or a document camera to demonstrate what you’re teaching. If the lesson requires a procedure, show it. As you model it, speak loudly, explaining each step.

Please take your time. Modelling is an essential component of direct instruction. Students grasp what you’re trying to teach them far better when they observe and listen to you apply the concept. It is critical to model multiple examples of the concept you are introducing!

Student Practice

Guided, collaborative, and individual practices are the three stages of student practice.

This three-step technique allows you to progressively transition your students from watching you model the correct application of the concept to enabling them to apply the concept independently.


This is the stage at which you “wrap it up.” It’s a quick overview of the lesson.

You could ask students to pair-share, discuss something they learnt that period, or provide an example of the concept presented. Keep it short and to the point.

Learning Demonstration (Quick Assessment)

The demonstration of learning assessment determines whether your students met the objectives of your lesson. Its goal is to give you helpful feedback that will guide your instruction. Ensure that the learning demonstration appropriately reflects the learning objectives and allows your students to apply what they learned throughout the lesson.

The demonstration of learning should always be completed alone, without the help of any teacher. It should take no more than five to ten minutes for most students to complete and can be a simple written task. Some teachers refer to it as an “exit ticket,” meaning that students must complete it before leaving the classroom.

Student performance on the Demonstration of Learning shows you whether you need to re-teach the same lesson the next day or if your students are ready to move on to the next lesson.


Lesson Plans give you and your students a clear direction in the classroom. Remember that they do not have to be lengthy and detailed plans. They are intended to guide and support you in maximizing your classroom time. The above seven components of the lesson plan will help students succeed in the future.

Avoid the temptation to cram too much information into one lesson. Remember that, if necessary, a lesson can be extended across several days. Your students will appreciate you not overwhelming them.

In future, if students want to achieve good grades in their assignments or thesis and do not have a good understanding of the topic and fuzzy concepts. If they were stuck in any part of the writing of the thesis, they would get writing services. For example, they will ask law thesis topics suggestions for their thesis because the entire thesis is based on the right topic.

Remember to use humour when teaching. A sense of humour can help keep students engaged in the classroom!


USE, 2022. Effective Ways for Teachers to Manage Work on Contracted Hours. Online available at <> [Accessed Date: 17-may-22]

Chizhik, E. W., & Chizhik, A. W. (2018). Using activity theory to examine how teachers’ lesson plans meet students’ learning needs. The Teacher Educator53(1), 67-85.

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