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Gender Blood Test: An excellent alternative for ultrasound

Gender Blood Test is an essential part of our body. It carries our body’s essential nutrients and supplies every cell of our body with fresh oxygen. Furthermore, blood has various critical components that perform vital functions in the human body. For instance, the platelets in the blood help clot the blood in case of abrasion or injury. The clotting stops the blood from oozing out of the body. In addition, the white blood cells in our body act as the protectors of our body. They are a primary part of our immune system as they detect and fight against any foreign particles that show up in the bloodstream.

The blood also has a hemoglobin part that binds with fresh oxygen from the alveoli present in the lungs. It is pumped out to every cell of the body to provide oxygen. The heart is responsible for the pumping and the to-and-fro flowing of the blood from the lungs and other body parts.

They you are eager to know the sex of your child and do not want to wait for your child to be big enough for an ultrasound, a gender blood test is a way to go. You should search for a baby gender blood test near me to quickly complete your test.

Blood test

A Blood test is one of the basic tests that help healthcare professionals diagnose a patient. Some components called inflammatory markers are present in the blood. As the name suggests, these components are responsible for indicating whether there is an inflammation in the body or not. Doctors perform a blood test to determine if the inflammatory markers in the body are spiking or are they expected. If they are higher than the average level, the doctors will start antibiotics and other empirical treatment procedures.

Why need blood tests?

Inflammatory markers are just one example that helps provide medical care to patients through a baby gender blood test near me. In addition, you can determine your blood sugar level, creatinine level, cholesterol levels, and much more through a simple examination of your blood. All these levels are crucial in determining whether you are pre-diabetic, prone to cardiovascular conditions, or having problems with your renal functions. These are some of the common reasons why people take blood tests.

Some other things you can find out through a blood test include:

A complete blood counts

A complete blood test is a routine test if a patient admits to the hospital or shows mildly severe symptoms. If you are getting a CBC test, your reports will offer everything you need to know about your blood components, for instance:

  • Red blood cells level: You should have the appropriate number of RBCs in your blood as a low level might suggest dehydration, anemia, internal bleeding, etc.
  • White blood cells: As mentioned before, white blood cells are the law enforcers in your blood. We know something serious is up if there is an odd amount of police activity.
  • Similarly, if the level of white blood cells has an influx, there will be inflammation or fever, and it will mean that there is a foreign particle like a bacteria or virus in the body.
  • Platelet levels: A surge in the platelet levels will direct the examiner towards a clotting or bleeding disorder.
  • Hemoglobin level: the term Hemoglobin is a combination of two words. Heme and Globin. They both are proteins. Heme is the protein responsible for transporting oxygen by binding the oxygen with itself. A decrease in the hemoglobin level will indicate that the patient is frail, has sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, etc.
  • MCV and MCH levels: Mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular Hemoglobin need to be in their appropriate range. If it is lower, it suggests blood conditions like anemia or thalassemia, etc.

 Blood enzyme level test

We know that there are many chemicals at work in our bodies. These chemicals and hormones need to be within their average limit. If they exceed their limit, it suggests any anomaly or an underlying condition. For instance, if a person is prone to angina pectoris or heart attack, his troponin and creatine kinase will be elevated. If there is damage to the heart, it releases Creatine kinase in the blood. Therefore when a person experiences a heart attack, their CK-MB levels have a sudden influx.

Blood clotting test

Clotting is a unique mechanism in our body that ensures we do not bleed out to death due to a paper cut. But, just like everything else, too little or too less of anything can be a problem. Similarly, if the clotting factor is not up to the required level, you might lose a lot of blood upon any injury. But, on the other hand, if the clotting is high, you will be prone to Cardiovascular disorders as these clots might accumulate in the vessels leading to bleeding or a stroke.

Gender blood test

Like other tests, it is another type of blood test that can be essential depending on its need. A gender blood test is an excellent advancement in the gynecology department as it has enabled women to determine their child’s sex before the recommended 22-weeks pregnancy time. This test has an almost 100% accuracy and has become a common choice for many expecting mothers. So why is it that women are opting for a gender test via blood rather than a conventional ultrasound? Here are some reasons why:


This test does not require you to be at least 22 weeks pregnant to know your baby’s gender. On the contrary, you can get it done during week 7 or 8. Some women do not want to wait that long to throw a gender reveal party. Therefore, it is an excellent choice for them.

Not just for determining the sex

We call a gender blood test professionally known as a non-invasive prenatal test or NIPT. This test was initially decided to screen the baby’s DNA for genetic anomalies. As the baby’s genetic content shows up in the mother’s bloodstream, it enables us to determine various things through its DNA. For example, a doctor can accurately predict genetic conditions like down syndrome, Edward syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc., just by screening the mother’s blood.

Non-invasive and convenient

Most centers of baby gender blood test near me focus on just revealing the gender. However, it was to be an alternative to the standard 2D ultrasound. It was also an excellent replacement for women allergic to the fluid applied to the belly. Furthermore, a NIPT is a non-invasive and equally effective substitute for chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis to determine any genetic conditions beforehand.

These tests are now getting all the attention from expecting mothers. It is primarily because many companies offer excellent services following the test. For example, some companies like Sneak peak, Peekaboo, eGendertest, etc., have various packages that send you a blood testing kit. Then, all you have to do is collect your sample and mail it back to the labs. Although it is much more convenient, the only downside is that the model might get contaminated during the mailing process or by mishandling the labs. Therefore, it is best to find a laboratory and give your sample directly without having to mail it and wait for the results for a week only to get a false positive.

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