Get Details About The Work Rights You Get On Student Visa 500

Studying in Australia is already amazing enough and can get pretty cost-efficient due to the student visa subclass 500. Unlike other visa options, the Australian visa subclass 500 lets you work to help cover living expenses. It allows for a few privileges that a student can enjoy. The entitlements are as follows:
- Eligible to study for 5 years on a full-time course
- Can work up to 40 hours per fortnight on school days and unlimited hours on breaks
- Can travel in and out of Australia multiple times until the visa validity expires
- Can include parents or family members as dependents on the subclass 500 student visa
Applicants, in order to avoid visa cancellation, need to abide by the working laws. Adhering to the Australian workplace law is also another vital parameter. The main two pointers to heed in order to escape subclass 500 student visa cancellation are:
- Attendance – While in course sessions, maintaining the minimum attendance aggregate is important to find out a student’s growth and contribution. There are a few attendance considerations that apply on a student visa. These are:
- You need to remain enrolled in a registered course during the entire course duration
- You need to maintain enrollment in a registered course that is of the same AQF level (Australian Qualifications Framework) or higher unless opted for a lower AQF level.
- You need to maintain satisfactory attendance per course session as required by the education provider.
- Compliance – In order to stay and work in Australia under a student visa, a person has to be in compliance with the visa regulations. Being non-compliant is a direct license to revoke an applicant’s visa for legal reasons.
Working Rights Of Visa Subclass 500: Legal Guidelines
- The applicant must not engage in any work until the course duration begins.
- The applicant must not work for over 40 hours per fortnight during course session days. Ignoring the same might cause their visa getting revoked.
- Full-time work applies on session days if that is a requirement of the CRICOS-recognised course an applicant is pursuing. Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students regulates specific course options for applicants on student visas to choose from.
- Applicants pursuing a masters or PhD degree study program have no working hour restrictions.
Working Rights of Secondary Applicants
Secondary applicants are dependants added to a student visa by the main applicant. The dependant too gets access to the same working right as the primary applicant. Although there are some considerations to the rights:
- A secondary applicant should not start working prior to the main applicant’s course commencement
- He/she cannot work for over 40 hours per fortnight during the main applicant’s course session days.
- They may work unlimited hours if it enrolled the main applicant in the masters or PhD degree program.
Post-Covid Scenario For Visa Subclass 500
The Covid-19 pandemic has put to test the patience and faith of people all over. It has led to an economic meltdown and financial crisis in almost all countries. To ensure the continuation of crucial service sectors, the Australian government has announced temporary work relaxations. The Department of Home Affairs and Australian Border Force is regulating body that took this flexible proposition. You can work for more than 40 weeks per fortnight only if:
- It employed you in an aged care approved or commonwealth-funded aged care service
- A registered NDIS employs you (National Disability Insurance Scheme) provider
- You are working in a healthcare sector or volunteering to support the preventive efforts in response to covid-19
- It employed you in the agricultural sector
Temporary relaxations of working hours are, as mentioned, applicable only on student visa holders engaged in specific industries.
Working Post-Graduation
There’s a visa category specifically for students who want to continue working in Australia after graduation. It is known as Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485. This visa is available for students who have finished 2 years of study in Australia and are willing to continue working. The visa duration can range from 18 months to 4 years. This visa can also prove to be a potential means to become eligible for a permanent or provisional skilled migrant visa.
Consulting an Immigration Agent
Thinking of consulting an immigration consultant in Adelaide before opting for a student visa? Read on to know why reaching out to migration services is a profitable move.
- Saves time and cost – If you are opting for a student visa in Adelaide, you need to know all your visa options. It is a time-consuming activity that requires deep research and fact-checking. In this scenario, a registered migration agent from Adelaide can help you with suggestions, facts, and save up on efforts and money.
- Insurance – Migration agents have insurance to protect them and their clients from any potential financial damage. This financial damage can result from faulty errors. This insurance provides financial protection and avoids any harm that can arise because of overlooked negligence.
- Code of Conduct – A migration consultant has to abide by certain legal guidelines that ensure professionalism, quality service and ethical practice. This is an assurance that the service provided follows confidentiality. Code of conduct enables a client’s safety as well.
If you are convinced enough to find yourself a migration consultant Adelaide, refer to reputation and reviews first. Finding the best immigration agent Adelaide will help you with the entire process. That’s not all; the most professional migration services Adelaide will render the desired support.