How do you know which is the best CBSE school in Ahmedabad?
Finding out which is the best CBSE school in Ahmedabad is a bit of a tough task, as there are so many aspects to the decision. For instance, if you were ready to fill up the primary school admission form on behalf of your child, you would likely be concerned whether you had made the right choice or not.
Choosing a very good school for your child if not the very best one is important as the school one goes to has a profound impact on how one turns out. The good thing is that most CBSE schools are of a pretty decent standard and would in most cases turn out to be a good choice for your child. But if you want your child to go to the very best CBSE school in Ahmedabad that will be a tough call to make, as everyone’s definition of what constitutes the best school differs. Even so, let’s try and identify what these criteria might be:
For many, a sprawling campus with stately buildings is the very epitome of a great school. There may be some logic in this considering that a great campus display’s a school’s commitment to providing the very best environment for learning. This is true from a psychological point of view as well and modern education lays great stress on the kind of ambiance that a child receives education in.
2. Academics
For many parents(especially in Ahmedabad), the taste of the pudding lies in its eating and they measure the worth of a school by the kind of academic performance its students come up with. You can’t really fault this logic as the kind of marks that one obtains in school do have a bearing on the kind of opportunities for higher studies one has access to after school.
3. Sports
There are many children who are exceptionally good at sports and rely on their sporting performances to get ahead in life. It will make eminent sense for such kids to obtain admission in a school that has exemplary sports facilities including top rate coaches. For serious sportspeople their performance in competitions can enable them to not only build a career in sports, but also to obtain admission in the best of colleges on account of their sporting credentials.
4. Regular of International Schools
There are some parents who would like to see their children go abroad for higher education and therefore prefer to put their children into international schools. Then there are those who would rather forgo the extra expenditure that entails(unless their child can obtain a scholarship) and put their child into a regular but well reputed CBSE school.
The old saying-to each their own applies to designating any school as the best CBSE one in Ahmedabad. Given that Ahmedabad is a sprawling prosperous city with a very large number of good CBSE schools, zeroing in on one institution as being the best is very difficult. Instead, one can look at which one is the best one according to what one expects from a school. That will vary for each individual, being based mainly on what aspirations they have for their school going children. The above parameters provide some indication of what that might be and what might constitute the best CBSE school for someone.