How to Convince Family for Love Marriage

The world has changed with time, but love marriage is still not fully recognized. Although some parents happily agree for love marriage, the percentage of such parents is less. At the same time, some parents find it difficult to persuade for love marriage. Because of this many times couples are forced to leave their partner’s company. So that you do not get caught in such difficult times, this article from Mom Junction can be of some help to you. Here you will read some special tips for how to convince the family for love marriage. Along with this, what kind of mistake should be avoided during this, you will also know about it.
Why it is difficult to persuade parents for love marriage, first read this.
Why Is It Difficult To Persuade Parents For Love Marriage?
If seen, there are many reasons related to social and mental thinking, due to which it is difficult to persuade parents for love marriage. We are highlighting the possible main factors among them here.
Caste Segregation:-
We live in such an Indian society, which is full of different castes and traditions. There is no doubt that we are living in the new age, but even today there can be many parents who are against the marriage of their son or daughter in other caste due to their old traditions. In such a situation, if the partner is of other caste, then it is possible that the parents are against the love marriage.
Being of another religion:
Now where parents may be against marriage in another caste due to traditions, then it is inevitable that they should be against marrying in another religion as well. If the son or daughter wants to do love marriage in another religion, then the religion of their partner can create a hindrance in this relationship.
Financial status:
Some parents may think that their son or daughter should join a family which is financially prosperous? Doing so from a parent’s perspective can secure their child’s future. On the other hand, due to their thinking, lover and girlfriend may have to separate.
Social Fear:
The pressure of “what will people say” is more visible than the happiness of one’s family. We can also consider this as an obstacle in the way of love marriage. Such social fear can create trouble in persuading the parents for love marriage. They may fear that if their child marries from another caste, religion or lower class than themselves, their relatives, neighbors, friends and other close people may end their relationship with them and may even sideline them from society.
Family Environment:
Every parent wants their child’s future to be secure, satisfied and happy. For this, how their child is connecting with the house, it can mean a lot to them. In such a situation, if the partner or partner’s family history or current is related to any criminal case or due to any other reason their name is not good in the society, then they can refuse this marriage.
Introduce The Partner:
When the atmosphere of the house starts becoming positive according to you, then introduce the partner to the family as soon as you get the opportunity. You can give your family a chance to get to know each other. Also tell the family about the partner and his family, such as what they do and where they live.
Waiting For The Right Time:
If you want to persuade the family members for your love marriage, then do not rush. Wait for a positive atmosphere and good times and put your point easily in front of the parents. If you keep talking about love marriage in a negative environment, then it may be that instead of becoming a matter, it may get worse. When there is an atmosphere of happiness in the engaged house and things are punctual all around, then you can talk about marriage by telling about a love affair.
Childish behavior:
Sometimes childish behavior of self or partner can also make parents against love marriage. Such behavior may make them feel that their child is trying to do love marriage because of their childish antics, which can become a problem for him in the future. For this reason also it can become difficult to persuade the parents for love marriage.
Young love:
The age of adolescence is considered fragile. At this age, not only friends are made quickly, but attraction towards others is also quick. In such a situation, if someone wants to persuade the parents for love marriage at the age of adolescence, then they may face difficulty in it. There may be such a fear in the mind of parents that such a big decision taken by their child at this age may turn out to be wrong. Hence, they may underestimate this decision of the child and may be against love marriage.
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Ways to Convince Family for Love Marriage
Remember marriage is for a lifetime, so make a wise decision. If you are thinking of convincing parents for love marriage, then consider some things given below, maybe your work will be done easily. Let us know the tips related to persuading family members for love marriage:
Think About It:
Of course love is not done deliberately, it just happens, but the decision of marriage is not taken blindly. So, first of all ask yourself how happy future will be after getting married with partner. Give yourself plenty of time for this. When you feel that by doing love marriage with your partner, you will be happy throughout your life, only then discuss it in the house.
Consent Of Both:
Sometimes at the last moment, the partner even refuses to give the name of marriage to the relationship. In such a situation, talk to the partner before persuading the parents for love marriage. Talk to your parents only when it is clear from both the sides that they want to marry each other. If during this time there is any indication from the words of the partner that he is not ready for marriage, then it is better not to talk to the parents about it.
Give Signs Of Marriage:
If you have told about your love in the house to someone special, then with the help of him, convey your message to the parents. Also, start giving them hints related to your affair. Do all these activities in positive behavior only. With this, the family members will easily understand the sign of marriage. Then they themselves can discuss it with you.
Introduce The Partner:
When the atmosphere of the house starts becoming positive according to you, then introduce the partner to the family as soon as you get the opportunity. Give them a chance to get to know and understand each other. Also tell family about the partner and his family, such as what they do and where they live.
Waiting For The Right Time:
If you want to convince the family members for your love marriage, then do not rush. Wait for a positive atmosphere and good times and put your point easily in front of the parents. If you keep talking about love-marriage in a negative environment, then it may be that instead of becoming a matter, it may get worse. When there is an atmosphere of happiness in the engaged house and things around are punctual, then you can talk about marriage by telling about love affair.
Explain To Parents:
Keep in mind that it is very important to take parents into confidence. So, tell the parents why your love is special to you. Tell the family about the partner’s profile in a simple way. There should be maturity in your words while talking about love marriage. If you are too eager about your partner, then the parents will understand that you are leaving your good and bad and focusing only on marriage.
Examples of Successful Love Marriage:
When you go to convince your parents for love marriage, then also keep some examples of successful love marriage in front of them. Also tell some effective benefits of love marriage, so that parents start trusting you. Until the parents feel that you are saying the right thing, then from time to time keep your point in front of them properly.
Get A Meeting:
When the engaged parents are not agreeing at all, then hold a meeting. Make a meeting with the partner by persuading the parents. Give them a chance to understand and get to know their partner. This can make love marriage easier.
Distance from negative people: Keep parents away from the company of such people and relatives who are strictly against love marriage. Such people can spoil the made work. Usually these people are those whose love life has failed or they do not have any kind of feeling about love.
Take someone’s Help:
If you are not able to openly speak about your love to your family members, then you can take the help of your siblings or friends. They can better understand the feelings of love marriage because of your age. Also, you can keep your point well and firmly in front of the parents.
Make Yourself Capable:
If the person is fulfilling his responsibilities well and is financially strong, then the chances of love marriage increase. The ability of the son or daughter makes the parents so sure that their son or daughter will take all the decisions of his life after due consideration. In such a situation, before talking to your family members about your love marriage, definitely give good direction to your career.
Win The Trust Of Parents:
Whether it is love marriage or arranged, it is important to have strong trust in every relationship. In such a situation, if the parents have to be persuaded for love marriage, then first of all win their trust. Assure them not to take any such decision or step which proves to be painful for them or for them. At the same time, assure them that even after being tied in a new relationship, the place of parents will remain in life as before.
Meet The Partner’s Family:
After introducing the partner, get the family members to meet the partner’s parents as well. For this, instead of calling them directly at home, meet them at a coffee shop or restaurant. Give yourself and your partner’s parents a chance to interact and understand each other. It is also necessary to take this step for love marriage.
What Not To Do While Persuading the Family for Love Marriage?
Do not take wrong steps –
If parents do not agree for love marriage even after persuading again and again, then avoid taking any wrong step. Do not do any act in your mind like committing suicide, running away to get married or leaving home.
Avoid haste –
Do not be hasty on your part while celebrating the family. Instead, give the family time to think and understand.
Do not threaten –
Children often make threats against their parents when they refuse. Don’t do that. Will end the relationship with them or stop talking to them, do not do such threatening things. Trust that the parents will understand your feelings and take the right decision.
Do not insist –
keep in mind that love marriage is a decision of the whole life. It is associated with itself as well as family members. So, do not insist like a child to convince your parents for love marriage. Such behavior reflects childish antics.
Do not put pressure –
If you try to put pressure on the family for love marriage, then in this situation the expectations of the parents can also be low. They may feel that their son or daughter wants to do what they want. In such a situation, they can refuse to give their consent and leave the son or daughter on their own.
When it comes to persuading the family members for love marriage, both the boy and the girl have to face difficulties. Girls may find it more difficult to convince their family members for love marriage than boys. In such a situation, through the tips mentioned in this article, you can persuade your parents for love marriage. Just be patient during this time and keep your trust in your parents. Also, do not take any such step, which will hurt any relationship. Apart from this, to remove tension in husband and wife, you can directly connect with our world famous astrologer through our page dainikastrologyservices. Who is fully capable of solving any of your love problem solution.