How to Measure Productivity in Custom Software Development | Devstringx
Software development is a highly volatile job that needs continuous efforts from the entire team for long-term success. There is fierce competition in the Custom Software Development sector, and all development teams are striving hard to exceed their rivals.
A software metric denotes a prospective region where measurement can use effectively to a specific software module or its specifications. In other words, a metric expects that data from your application development lifecycle will use to measure software developer productivity. You are required to track both business and agile metrics to understand how to assess productivity in software development.
Having said that, there are a few critical measures that can be utilized to gauge developers’ from the Custom Software Development Services sector efficacy and productivity. These factors listed below help in determining the productivity in custom software development.
05 Factors To Determining Productivity in Custom Software Development
1. Sprint Burndown Reports
These reports are an essential component of the agile scrum technique. Sprints in software development are time-box periods (1 week – 1 month) during which developers must work on and complete planned projects. At the end of a sprint, developers provide the manager with a report on their work. Using this information, the managers construct a sprint burndown report that details each team member’s performance.
These reports provide helpful information such as:
- Consistently finishing sprints early indicates that the task assigned to team members is less than the acceptable standard.
- Consistently missed deadlines indicate that the workload assigned is excessive in comparison to the time limit available.
A progressive decrease in the ‘remaining values’ is preferable to a rapid decrease, as the latter indicates that the job was not allotted in granular bits.
2. Team Velocity
The team velocity metric measures the ‘amount’ of work performed during a sprint. It is calculated in hours. This statistic is tremendously helpful in estimating and planning work for future sprints. It aids managers in the following areas:
- Setting reasonable sprint projections and delivery targets.
- Highlight any unexpected issues that did not anticipate throughout the planning phase.
- Check to see if the process adjustments have resulted in any results (stable/increased velocity).
3. Throughput
It represents the team’s entire value-added work production. It often expressed by the units of work (tickets) done by the team within a given time frame. You should match your throughput statistic to your present business objectives. If you aim to ship new bug-free modules during this sprint, you should see a high percentage of defect tickets resolved, and so on. Measuring throughput also assists in:
- As the throughput measure declines, detect when the Custom Software Development team is blocked.
- When you compare the average throughput to the present workload, you can see when the team is overburden.
4. Cycle Time
Cycle Time is the overall amount of time it takes the team to complete a task. It also aids in estimating how quickly a team can deliver new features to users and whether it can handle multiple issues.
Consistently recording and analyzing cycle time aids in identifying process bottlenecks and establishing more accurate user expectations.
5. Bug Rates
This measure uses to track the number of issues that get visible when we implement new features. A developer team from the Custom Software Development sector may provide a product or an update rapidly, but it is useless if the code riddled with bugs.
The Bug Rates measure assists you in deciding whether or not a product is valuable.
Bugs can be measure in two ways: (a) the severity of the bug and (b) the number of bugs. A team can track the number of bugs shipped during each sprint and determine an acceptable bug count. Furthermore, the severity of bugs should not be in the Medium to High range.
In a nutshell, increasing the productivity of your Custom Software Development team requires you first to define productivity and performance for your team. Even if metrics may not provide the most accurate insights for individual developers, you will need this data to gain a collective understanding of how things are going in your organization.