How to prepare for a verbal ability question in IPMAT?

Now that you have appeared in your board exams, time now to appear for the national-level competitive exam. The competitive exams will allow you to take admissions in many vital colleges to achieve a great career. One such important exam that you prepare for is the IPMAT.
The IPMAT is an entrance exam that takes place for IIM Indore’s five years integrated Program in Management course. The IPMAT is an abbreviation for Integrated Program in Management aptitude test. This is an aptitude test that you appear to get selected in IIM, Indore.
If you are preparing for IPMAT and wondering how to prepare for the verbal ability section, you need a post. This post will offer you all the important tips to prepare for the verbal ability questions. Download IIM IPM Syllabus PDF.
Fundamentals of IPM aptitude test for verbal ability section
Before you get into the IPMAT strategy for the verbal ability questions, you should know everything about it. Here is a basic outline of the topic and section that you will get in verbal ability questions. The verbal ability portion of the IPMAT indulges 40 questions. All these 40 questions carry four marks each. Further, the total time that you get for the verbal ability section is 45 minutes. The most important and frequent topics that you get in the verbal ability section are:
- Synonym and Antonym
- Reading comprehension
- Jumbled sentence arrangement
- Grammar
- Error correction of sentence
- Incomplete sentence completion
- Correct employment of words and phrases
- Verbal analysis
Tips and strategies to prepare for verbal ability questions in IPMAT
Speed and Accuracy
While attending any section of IPMAT, you should make sure that you are answering most of the questions within the time. That’s not yet! You need to answer all the questions correctly without making any wrong attempts. You should always focus on 100% accuracy within the time. If you want to achieve both speed and accuracy, you need to practice many mock tests.
In most questions of competitive exams, you get easy to moderate questions. The question may also be in a mixed bag format. However, you need to use your time wisely. Always answer those questions that you can crack on the go. Then return back to those questions that will consume your time.
However, avoid making wrong attempts, as they can offer you negative marking. Don’t get tussled to appear all the questions.
Don’t make any guesses, but you can make analyzed risk
Taking analyzed risk is always better than making guesses. This is because; every guesses that you are not sure about will cost you minus 0.25 marks. Thus, why take the risk. Instead, you should take a calculated risk and leave those questions that you are not sure about. You may answer fewer questions, but it should be accurate.
Sectional time
Have you heard of this before! Well, the IIM Indore from 2017 has introduced sectional time. The sectional time is the time limit to appear a certain section. This also increases the level of difficulty for the aspirants. If you want to achieve your place, you need to be well-versed about the sectional time and practice accordingly.
For the verbal ability questions, the IIM Indore offers you 45 minutes to answer 40 questions. The one strategy that will help you is the reading speed of the questions. The faster you read and understand the question, the faster you will answer it. That is why for sectional time, you should focus on your reading time.
Distinct types of questions
The verbal ability section in the IPMAT offers you an extensive range of questions to answer. These questions are much different in type. In such cases, you should analyze the IPMAT question from the previous year, if accessible. But instead, the strategy that will help you ger is getting clarity about the concept.
Mock tests and sample papers
The mock tests and sample papers are the two most vital parts of your preparation. Your preparation is almost incomplete if you have not attempted mock tests and sample papers. Most of the online platforms nowadays offer you mock tests to appear. Thus, you should appear them.
Keeping it short, this is how you can prepare best for the verbal ability questions in IPMAT. You should not ignore any of these tips to ensure good grades. However, your preparation is the primary thing that matters the most. Thus, make sure that your preparation is rock-solid.