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How to Properly Maintain Your Home’s HVAC System

How cold does it get where you live?

Holding the record for the coldest day in the lower 48 states, Montana can reach temperatures of -70° F! Can you imagine what it’d be like having to shovel your driveway in that kind of weather?

Whether you live somewhere with cold winters, scratching hot summers, or somewhere in between, your HVAC system must work properly. One of the best ways to keep your air conditioner running all year efficiently long is by maintaining it throughout each season. To help you know what to keep an eye on, we’ve created this short guide, all about air conditioning maintenance.

Read on to learn how to take care of your home’s HVAC the right way.

Creating an HVAC Checklist

What should you put on your HVAC checklist? It depends what time of year it is. For instance, spring is a great time to inspect your system for any debris or mold. Notice the humidity levels, and keep a close eye on the refrigerant charge.

As you move into summer, double-check that the thermostats are functioning correctly. If necessary, change the batteries as well.

Next, you’ll need to lubricate the motor bearings, along with all of the other moving parts. The lubrication will help prevent breakdowns while also increasing efficiency. Every little thing you can do to help your system run more efficiently can wind up saving you money.

Moving on, the spring and summer months are also a great time to replace the belts. If any air conditioner belts are worn out or look damaged, swap them out for new ones.

Fall and Winter Checklist Items

As you move into the fall season, you’ll want to inspect your ignition burner. Notice how the heat exchanger is working, and check all of the central air heating elements.

Next, look at the vents and ductwork. Are the ducts and vents clear of any debris? Is there any mold present? Getting rid of mold quickly will help your AC unit run well while keeping your family safe.

Investigate Noises Quickly

When things go bump in the night, your air conditioner likely is to blame. It’s normal for air conditioners to make some noise when they turn on. However, if your HVAC system starts making sounds that you’ve never heard before, it’s time to get help.

Strange sounds are almost definitely a sign that some repair needs to take place. Ignoring the need for rehabilitation will only wind up costing you more in the long run. We suggest reaching out to an HVAC team the moment the sound occurs.

Don’t Ignore Your Air Filter

Let’s talk a little more about your air filter and how to take care of it. For starters, you’ll want to make sure you have an air filter that fits properly.

You can typically find whatever size you need, whether a 20x25x1 or 16×20 x1, online. We suggest buying in bulk so that you can always have air filters ready to go.

You could also look into getting a permanent filter if your system will accommodate it. Permanent filters still have to be cleaned just as regularly as you would replace the disposable ones.

Depending on the type of activity in your house, air filters need to be changed or cleaned every two months. If you have a lot of pets, or individuals who are sensitive to allergens, consider changing the filters every month.

Scheduling Ductwork Inspections

How often should you have your ductwork inspected? We recommend having a technician come out to look for blockages at least every other year.

When debris accumulates, it can obstruct the airflow. The weak airflow means that your air conditioner has to work double-time to keep things more incredibly hot.

Ducts can trap all sorts of debris. Sometimes they can even wind up with pests such as rodents caught inside.

By getting frequent inspections, you’ll be able to keep your ducts clean and accessible. The inspections are also an excellent way to spot potential leaks.

Drainpipe and Drain Pan

When someone comes out to inspect the ducts, ask them to show you where the drain pipe is. You can periodically check the HVAC systems drain pipe to see if any type of mold or algae is building up. It’s easy for to remove the blockage yourself.

Once you find the mold or debris, you can get to work.  All you’ll need is a wet-dry vacuum to get the job done! We also find that a little bit of bleach can help with the job.

Gas Furnace Tips

Do you have a gas furnace? When you’re working on a gas appliance, you should always turn it off first. It’s only after double-checking that the power system and circuits connecting to the furnace are off that you can begin repairs.

After disconnection, you’ll need to clean the entire filter system. Then double-check the gas pressure. Moving on, inspect the gas furnace for any potential leaks.

Now’s would also be an excellent time to review the fan components. To get a truly thorough inspection, we suggest reaching out to a team of professionals. An annual inspection should be more than enough to keep things running perfectly.

Rewards of Regular Maintenance

Now that you know how to maintain your HVAC system let’s give you some motivation! On top of preventing breakdowns, a well-maintained system can also help lower your energy bill.

When you don’t properly maintain your air conditioner system, the heating pump may have to run all day. Whereas, when you keep the air filter clean and every part in working order, your system will be energy efficient.

Finally, you and everyone in your household will be able to enjoy a better quality of air. Cleaner air can help keep allergies and sicknesses away! You may also notice a boost in your energy levels when there’s less dust in the air.

Keep Your HVAC System Happy and Healthy

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into maintaining your HVAC system. Relying on a team of professionals is a great way to give yourself the peace of mind you deserve. Instead of wondering if you’re doing everything correctly, you can have someone experienced with air conditioner maintenance confirm it.

So go ahead and schedule a checkup for your system as soon as possible. Next, start writing down a seasonal maintenance checklist so that you can stay on top of things. If you like this article, we’re sure you love the rest, take a look!


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