Home Improvement

Mistakes To Avoid While Using Your Microwave Oven

Modern technologies are updated to offer an easy and exciting household chore. It is easy to cook your food and get restaurant-like cuisine and dishes. This is all because the microwave oven is the most important thing that you can consider for all your cooking goals. There are various ways by which you can use a microwave oven for cooking all types of dishes that you have been eyeing on. It is better to rely on eating at home other than takeout as they are not good for health and also leads to an expensive cost.

Therefore to avoid such hurdles, the best one is a microwave oven. When you get a microwave oven, within a click you can get all your food cooked instantly. It will be easy for you to have a healthy cooking style so that you can have mouth-watering dishes all prepared within no time at all. However, there are few rules you need to follow while you use a microwave oven. When you use a microwave oven you need to stop making some mistakes. Here are some of the common mistakes that you must avoid while using your best convection microwave oven in India.

What is a microwave oven?

Microwave ovens heat food using microwaves, a form of electromagnetic radiation similar to radio waves. It is known to cook instant and mouth-watering dishes from various cuisines. The microwaves reflect off the metal interior of the oven and cause the water molecules in the food to vibrate. This vibration results in friction between molecules, which produces heat that cooks the food. It can be used to reheat, grill, bake, cook and roast. You will get a solo, convection, grill, and microwave oven when you look for one.

Mistakes to avoid while using a microwave oven?

● Using plastic utensils to cook food in the microwave oven: A good and large number of the population are into utilizing plastic utensils to warm or prepare food in the microwave. This is a major mistake. Microwaves utilize a high amount of heat to prepare food. The high temperatures inside the cooking broiler can make the plastic meltdown completely and eliminate damaging plastic synthetics. You need to understand that when you use plastic to cook in a microwave oven, your food contains harmful plastics synthetic. Glass utensils are a great option here as they are resistant to heat. If at all you need to utilize plastic utensils make sure that they are microwave-safe. Only go for utensils that are Microwave safe and don’t use any kind of plastic to even heat your prepared food.

● Not cleaning your microwave oven: You need to clean your microwave oven regularly. If you are not cleaning it regularly, then this will impact your machine and makes your food unhygienic as well as impact the longevity of the oven. Make sure to clean the inside of your microwave at least once a week. Wipeout all interior and exterior portions and clean every two days or so. Any sort of stains of old food particles stuck to the walls of the microwave may rot and produce harmful bacteria. This bacteria can then travel to your food and make you sick. It is not a good option. When you keep accumulating leftover food, it damages your machine as well as your health.

● Don’t make a microwave a table: With a limited amount of space in the kitchen, you may feel that you can use your machine as a table to put a few containers and pots on top of the microwave. A very good number of people do this mistake and it is a blunder. Always keep your microwave free and completely clean up. When your microwave works, it eliminates various kinds of rays, a transmission that is not safe for the things that you keep above or around your microwave oven. Hence, keep the space on top of the microwave free.

● Not rotating food while cooking: Most of you just add on food to containers and put it in the microwave for heating. This is committed by almost everyone and it is a common mistake since microwaves may not heat the food evenly and hence rotating or stirring food in between is highly advisable.

● Using high power to cook food: Most of you may think that when you use high power to cook, your Microwave will cook your food faster and in a better way. But this is not true at all. Cooking food only on high power in the microwave is another mistake that many of us tend to make. Make sure you know that when you put your food on high power your food is not properly cooked. Only the outside may get cooked while the inside remains uncooked. You need to use a medium or low power to make sure your food is evenly cooked and your power consumption will also be less. Just use medium or low power to cook food in the microwave.

Finishing up

If you need the best convection microwave oven in India, then go for the LG products. It is the best microwave brand in India, that has some of the best models packed with features.

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