Home Improvement

Signs, Causes, And Treatment Options for Bed Bug Infestation

Is your sleeping time is getting ripped off of you? Well, there can be three reasons behind it. You might be in love, you might be under a lot of stress, or the worst one, you have bed bugs.

Even though the first two reasons are quite self-manageable but the last one cannot be managed that easily without help. And the help is here for you.

Here is all that you need to know about bedbugs to prevent them from entering your home. To manage bed bugs, you need to learn all about these critters, and that includes the signs, causes, and ways to kill them.

So, Here Are The Signs Of Bed Bugs

1. Bites

Of every one of the signs connected with a bed bug infestation, bites are presumably the clearest (and generally normal). Bed bug bites can be level or raised and are told to be irritated, red spots that will more often than not appear in a zigzag pattern or group.

They’ll commonly show up on the chest, back, neck, feet, face, and hands. The bites can itch, and will once in a while bleed when scratched. Finding bites should be enough of a reason to search for “bed bug pest control near me” for you.

2. Eggs

One more indication of a bed bug infestation is the presence of their eggs in your bed. As with exuvia and feces, you’ll want to pull back to sheets and carefully take a look at the fissure of your sleeping pad as well as the materials. Bed bug eggs are exceptionally small (around 1mm) and resemble smaller than usual grains of rice.

3. Bloodstains

Searching for bloodstains as an indication of a bug issue could sound extreme, yet it’s valid: bed bugs commonly draw blood, and the ongoing bloodstains can appear on pillowcases, blankets, and sheets. If you presume bed bugs are causing your bites, check your bed. Check whether you notice any bloodstains on the materials. If that’s the case, you would need to get a bed bug treatment ASAP.

4. Exuvia

Bed bugs likewise shed their skin in your bed! This skin shedding propensity is alluded to as exuvia and is promptly discernible if you know what to search for. Pull back your sheets and assess both your clothes and bedding for small, 2.5 to 4.5mm bed bug shells. They’ll resemble small, void portions of popcorn.

5. Waste Staining

We know it’s gross, yet bed bug feces can and will appear in your bed. Search for small dark or tarnish stains on your bed. Remember to check your bedding cover, alongside the sleeping mattress itself.

6. Scents

Last but not least, bed bugs frequently leave behind an unhinged smell. If you distinguish a sweet, almond-or cilantro-like smell, you could be managing bed bugs.

The Causes That Leads To An Infestation


Traveling both locally and internationally is the main source of bed bug infestations. Places with high turnover rates, like inns, hotels, homestays, and Airbnb’s are prime spots for getting bed bugs.

In addition to the fact that you could bring bed bugs from resting on the beds in these facilities, they can likewise track down their way into your baggage assuming you put it on the bed or other furnishings.

Purchasing Used Furniture

Why pay the full price when you can get something like-new at a discount?

Purchasing secondhand furnishings or getting it from a friend or relative is one more reason for a bed bug infestation. You could unwittingly buy a household item that as of now has some bed bugs or eggs in it, simply waiting to give you bites.

Prior to buying used furnishings, utilize an electric lamp and take a look at the edges, creases, and any cracks there might be in the furniture for bed bugs.

Purchasing Used Clothes

Just like buying used furniture, getting used clothes are also a cause to get a bed bug infestation. Theft stores are known to offer great deals on used but fashionable clothes.

You might be getting a great offer on these clothes but saving this little money can return to bite you in the form of bed bugs. You will end up losing the equivalent money on the local exterminators for bed bug.

Schools and Colleges

Another means that bed bugs use to get out and about is through schools, colleges, and even childcare habitats. Since these bugs move with such ease through dress and other fabric materials, your children can unconsciously bring them home from the everyday schedule they get back home on school break.

When they’re home, your children will lie on the cushion or slither in bed and that way, bed bugs will track down their new residence to rest, eat, and infest.

Now there are two ways you can deal with the current infestation, either by DIYs or by calling the best bed bug exterminator in your locality.

If the infestation is not that serious, the below tactics might help you:

  • Fix or seal breaks in your paint or wallpaper. This will give the bedbugs one less spot to hide.
  • Vacuum consistently. Zero in on regions where they can hide or stay, for example, cracks close to your rug or deck and fissure around your sleeping mattress, box spring, or bed frame. Dump out your vacuum substance far away from your home when you’re done to hold them back from getting back out once more.
  • Completely clean your bed. If bedbugs are hiding under the space in your bedroom or home, they’ll quickly move to where you find it easier to get rid of them.
  • Freeze garments or bedding. Even after the washing, some bedbugs can remain, so you can also try placing your garments or bedding in the cooler for a couple of days or leaving them outside when the temperature drops below freezing.
  • Wash and dry your clothes, bedding, or any kind of fabric at a high temperature. High temperatures above 122°F are lethal to bedbugs. In the first place, wash your garments and bedding with a cleanser and heated water. Then dry them on the highest heat setting on your dryer. The bed bug exterminator also uses heat to eliminate these bugs.
  • Clean the creases of the sleeping mattress or upholstery with a stiff brush. This can scratch away any eggs or bugs that may be sticking in the cleft of your furnishings.

Professional Treatment

If you decide on calling the professional on the scene, do make sure that they offer all types of treatment options generally done by the professionals. Browse for “bed bug exterminator near me” and check if they offer heat treatment, cold treatment, and chemical treatment.

Any of these treatments should be done by professionals otherwise your home can get damaged during the process. So make sure to hire an expert for the job.


What is the main cause of bed bugs?

Traveling and buying second-hand clothes or furniture is how your home gets infested with bed bugs.

What kills bed bugs instantly?

Bed bugs and their eggs can be diminished at 122°F (50°C).

How do you know when bed bugs are gone?

When you will start to witness less discomfort while sleeping, fewer bite marks, or itchiness on your skin.

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