The Importance of Sump Pump Systems in Boston
When you have a basement, the care and upkeep can feel almost overwhelming. Here in Boston, we have both rainy and cold seasons, both of which can ultimately wreak havoc on your basement if you aren’t prepared for the extra moisture. Using a sump pump system in Boston could be vital to protecting your basement from moisture and water damage.
If your home has a basement, it’s critical to ensure that you aren’t dealing with excessive water or water finding its way to places it really isn’t meant to be. Having your basement protected will help to reduce issues with water damage, mold, mildew, and other related symptoms.
Did you know that approximately 60% of homeowners with basements have issues with the basements being wet? That’s not how it’s supposed to be!
Basement Flooding Causes
So what causes all this moisture in the basement? Sometimes, it could be related to things like the gutters and downspouts not doing their jobs. Other times, it might be because you have excessive rainfall, and your sump pump isn’t keeping up.
There are several different causes and scenarios that can lead to flooding in the basement. But what you should know is that it’s not normal, and you don’t have to just deal with a wet basement.
Your basement is exposed to water all year long from all sides. The natural moisture sources in the soil can cause water to make its way into the basement.
If there are cracks, improper guttering, or seeping issues, these can all flood the basement. In addition, it’s not just groundwater; things like failed systems or burst pipes could also be a huge issue.
The Basics of a Sump Pump System
A sump pump works by allowing water to fill the basin, and then triggering the pump to kick on and start pushing water out to an exterior drain of some sort. There are several different types of sump pumps, so work with a professional to find the best for your needs.
Sump pumps are designed to prevent basement flooding, but they have to be operating properly to do so. If you want your sump pump to work properly, make sure it’s cleaned and maintained, is the right pump for your needs, and has backup power just in case you lose power.
These are common issues that lead to sump pump malfunctions:
Power shortages
The wrong pump size
A pump that isn’t shutting off to rest
Lines that seem slow (clogged or frozen)
Poorly maintained or old pumps that are defective
With proper upkeep, you are less likely to have to worry about these issues.
But here’s the thing: your pump does sit idle when it isn’t needed. That means you might not be aware of a problem until it shows up. However, if you’re keeping up with inspecting and maintaining or having it professionally inspected, these things could be caught before you have a flooding problem.
Use Professional Installation
When you have questions about your sump pump in Boston, or perhaps need to invest in one, reach out to a professional. These waterproofing companies are trained to help you choose the right option and ensure it’s installed properly.