Health and Fitness

What are the Different Types of Electrical Stimulation Methods?

Due to the various technological innovations in the field of medicine, several new ways of treating pain have been developed, and one such method is electrical stimulation. This effective physical therapy method is used to treat a wide range of conditions and injuries.

Physical therapists use this as a part of the treatment plan and usually combine this procedure with other treatments like therapeutic ultrasound to treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

What is Electrical Stimulation?

This also known as electrotherapy, is one of the physical therapy modalities that uses low-voltage or mild electric current to treat injuries and illnesses that cause pain and prevent normal mobility. This method is gentle, safe, and painless, promoting recovery and providing pain relief.

How Does Electrical Stimulation Work?

Physical therapists attach small, adhesive electrodes to the affected part of the body, and these electrodes are connected to an electrical stimulation machine. When the device gets activated, electric impulses pass through the electrodes. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation will be increased until it feels strong but comfortable.

If this method is used to treat muscle spasms or promote pain relief, the patients will relax and be the recipient of the treatment. If the technique is used to improve muscular strength or function, active involvement of the patients is required, and they may need to contract their muscles.

A single session of the electrical stimulation treatment may last for about 15 minutes. Some patients may require multiple sessions depending on their pain intensity and different illnesses. This type of physical therapy treatment does not hurt, but the patient may feel a bit uncomfortable.

Different Types of Electrical Stimulation


There are several electrical stimulation modes that use different types of currents intended to stimulate different nerves in a variety of specific ways. These include modes such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential, pre-modulated, Russian, and symmetrical or asymmetrical bi-phasic. Don’t let the words confuse you, though. Your physical therapist will decide the right one to meet your unique needs.

While it’s not for everyone (including people with deep vein thrombosis, people who are pregnant, people with pacemakers, and people with impaired cognition) or safe to use on every body area (including on the anterior neck, eyes, or over areas with damaged skin or decreased sensation), electrical stimulation can be used for a wide variety of conditions as indicated, including acute sports-related or auto accident-related injuries, repetitive stress injuries, muscle strains, ligament sprains, and even neurological conditions including stroke.

Physical therapists utilize different types of electrical stimulation methods to address various injuries and conditions.

Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation or TENS therapy is the most commonly used type of electrical stimulation treatment. The TENS unit consists of a battery-powered device with electrodes and adhesive pads that are attached to the patients’ skin.

When the practitioner activates the device, electric impulses pass through the electrodes that stimulate the nervous system and reduce its ability to transmit pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. The nerves thereby block the perception of pain. The electric impulses also increase the natural pain relievers of the body called endorphins.

The TENS method is used to treat back pain, neck pain, joint pain, period pain, and labor pain. It can also reduce pain caused by sports injuries, arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, tendonitis, bursitis, and more.

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)

The neuromuscular electrical stimulation method transfers electrical current through electrodes attached to various locations on the patients’ body. The electric current can activate the appropriate muscle fibers and stimulate the nerves and lead to the contraction of a single muscle or a group of muscles.

Physical therapists can allow for a gentle or forceful muscle contraction by adjusting the electrical current settings. This method effectively increases muscle function and enhances blood flow to the affected area, thus promoting recovery. It reduces muscle spasms and allows the relaxation of muscles. It is the best way of retraining or re-educating the muscles after surgery.


Iontophoresis is one of the methods of this treatment that induces medication into the patient’s body to treat pain. Physical therapists apply mild electric current to deliver various medications across biological membranes. 

It creates a slight tingling sensation in the patient’s body and produces an anti-inflammatory effect in the affected part of the body. It effectively treats inflammation, scar tissue, and muscle spasms and reduces calcium deposits in the body.

Interferential Current Therapy

Interferential current therapy places four electrodes in a crisscross pattern on the affected area in order to make the electrodes interfere with one another. It stimulates the tissues and nerves to start the healing process, decreasing inflammation and pain. This method also increases the mobility of the muscles and reduces muscle spasms.

Conditions Treated Using Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation is used to treat

  • Arthritis pain
  • Sciatica
  • Muscle injury caused due to trauma
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nerve inflammation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Tendonitis 
  • Sprains
  • Post-surgical pain

Benefits of Electrical Stimulation

  • Enhances muscular blood flow
  • Relieves muscle pain
  • Improves strength
  • Heals injured muscles
  • Re-educate the muscles
  • Increase range of motion

Closing Notes!

Are you interested in trying electrical stimulation? Wondering if it can help your pain or dysfunction? Our physical therapy services, including this and other modalities, are evidenced-based, state-of-the-art, effective, and have minimal to no risk of side effects. Come experience the difference and Contact today at Hazel Green, AL, and Fayetteville, TN center to schedule an initial appointment.

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