
What Curriculum is Followed By IB Schools in India?

International schools in India aim to shape a global mindset among students.  The schools prepare the child to be self-aware and reflect open-mindedness. The students are academically sound and go-getters. A big reason for this development is the power of the curriculum followed by the IB schools in India.

International schools in India aim to shape a global mindset among students. The schools prepare the child to be self-aware and reflect open-mindedness. The students are academically sound and go-getters. A big reason for this development is the power of the curriculum followed by the IB schools in India.

All international schools follow the International Baccalaureate Board. The IB program is one of the most sophisticated and well-planned work modules. The schools have to adhere to the strict guidelines of the IB Board. The unique feature of the IB curriculum is its ability to divide workload management for the students.

The IB curriculum schools in India have to maintain guidelines as proposed by the Board. The effort is to see that the learning becomes a more competitive and seamless process for the students. The introduction of the subjects complements the age and maturity of the child. International schools start admitting students from an early age. The IB schools in Gurgaon are operational from a very nascent age of the child. Beginning with the preschool level (for students between the age of 3-12 years), the schools have three levels of education. The IB Diploma level is the final frontier for the students studying in these schools. After the successful completion of the final year program, the students earn diploma certificates. The grading system of the IB schools is globally recognized. Over 150 countries accept the certificates provided by the IB schools in India as the legal tender for acceptance into higher education. The degree recognized by the topmost universities and colleges makes it easy for students to study abroad. One of the most vital aspects responsible for the success of international schools is its unique curriculum. The structure of the IB curriculum facilitates easy and lifelong learning for the students.

The implementation of the international curriculum in IB schools is done by categorizing it into four levels. The level has detailed instructions to follow. The approach prepares the child in the most appropriate and planned manner.

The four assessment levels in the IB schools are

1: Primary Years Programme (PYP)

2: Middle Years Program (MYP)

3: Diploma Programme (DP)

4: Career-related Programme

Each program in the IB schools promotes conceptual learning through practical experience. Learning by practice is the purpose of these programs. The IB schools in India prepare the classroom module to balance the rigidity of theories with the flexibility of practical sessions. This helps the students to better understand the lessons learned in the classroom promoting critical thinking.

Primary Years Programme (PYP):

Primary Years Programme (PYP), is the introductory program offered by the IB schools in India. The program caters to the children from ages 3 to 12. The PYP model acts as the foundation course for the kids. It helps them to understand the basic tenets of being a student. The kids learn the concepts of numbers, alphabet, shape, size, and colors. The curriculum of the PYP level aims to help the kids make sense of their surroundings better.

The course focuses on developing the emotional and intelligence quotient of the students using intersecting play techniques. The these of the curriculum revolves around making the child learn six important factors: who we are, where do we live, how to express ourselves better, how does the world works around us, how can organize ourselves, and sharing our space with others.

The preparation helps the child to condition better for the times to come. They begin to be more understanding and learn how to communicate better. The program plays an important role in building the foundation for the student to begin understanding the classroom learning environment. The students at this level learn to develop higher emotional and intelligence quotients. As a result of his level, the children become socially more aware. Socially interactive kids are better in adapting to the classroom environment. Solving small problems and teaching how to learn is an important achievement of this program.

The PYP program is best suited to introduce basic education to the child. It is the ideal age for the child to learn the alphabets, number system, colors, shapes, and sizes. When the children share the classroom with each other, it makes them social more aware and active. They begin to relate with their surrounding in a positive manner. The kids in the school start to correlate their place in the classroom. perhaps the first time they begin to question their roles and responsibilities. A well groomed child will learn to express themselves. To be able to communicate efficiently is very important to the success of the student.

Middle Age Programme (MYP):

This is the second level of the education program offered by the IB schools. The average age for the Middle Age Programme, (MYP) is 11 to 16 years old. The students at this level begin their journey as real-life students. The children get classroom experience for the first in their life. The students studying in the Middle Age Programme study the same subjects as their counterparts of class 06 to class 10th.

The IB curriculum requires the students to learn all the core subjects at this level. All these subjects maths, science, language, arts, social science, technology form the basis for the sting foundation for the students. The use of smart classes, presentations, practicals, and time-based assignments form an integral part of helping the students excel in all the subjects.

As the students attend the final year of the MYP level program, they choose a subject to test their preparedness and expert knowledge, the teachers assess the child on the subject to ascertain the learning proficiency of the student at the MYP level.

Diploma Programme (DP):

This is the final level of the program offered at international schools for students between 16-19 years old. On competition of the level, the student receives a Diploma certificate. The program lasts for two years.

As a part of the Diploma Programme, the students continue to study the core subjects mathematics, science, language learning, arts, technology as they did during the Middle Age Programme.

The students have eight subjects to learn during this course. They have the option to pick the sunsets of their linking for a  basket of courses available in each category. Along with the regular subjects, all the students have to attend two language courses at least.

Career Related Programme (CP):

This value-added level helps the students develop intricate qualities to help them after school. The students have to produce an extended essay, 4000-word long to showcase their expertise in a particular subject. The school accesses and evaluates the essay. It uses teachers and external faculty subsequently.

Besides the usual, Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and CAS (Creativity, action, service) courses also form an integral part in the over all development of the student. As a result of this, the child students become develop critical thinking, reasoning, aptitude. The value-added programs are of great help when the students decide to apply for higher education in colleges and universities outside India.

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