What Is a Civil Litigation Lawyer
A civil litigation lawyer is a type of lawyer who represents clients in civil cases. Civil cases are disputes between two or more parties that are seeking damages, such as financial compensation, from each other. Civil litigation lawyers handle all aspects of the case, from pre-trial preparations to trial and appeal.
Breach of contract
If you have been wronged in a contract dispute, you may be wondering if you have grounds for a civil lawsuit. Breach of contract is one of the most common types of civil lawsuits that a civil litigation lawyer handles.
In order to succeed in a breach of contract lawsuit, you must first prove that there was a valid contract between you and the other party. This means that the contract must have all of the essential elements of a valid contract, including offer, acceptance, and consideration.
Once you have established that there was a valid contract, you must then prove that the other party breached the terms of the contract. This can be done by showing that they failed to perform their obligations under the contract or that they did not meet your expectations.
If you are successful in proving both of these things, then you may be entitled to damages for the breach of contract.
Property damage
Property damage is one of the most common types of civil lawsuits that a civil litigation attorney handles. This type of lawsuit arises when one person’s property is damaged by another person. The damage can be caused by negligence, intentional act, or a variety of other factors.
Someone may accidentally spill a drink on another person’s computer, causing the computer to be damaged. Or, someone may intentionally vandalize another person’s car. Property damage can also occur as a result of a fire, flood, or other natural disasters.
If you have suffered property damage as a result of someone else’s actions, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. A civil litigation attorney can review your case and help you determine whether you have a valid claim against the responsible party.
Product liability
A civil litigation lawyer is a type of attorney who handles lawsuits that involve individuals, businesses, and sometimes the government. Civil litigation lawyers handle a wide variety of cases, including personal injury, contract disputes, consumer protection, and more. One of the common types of civil lawsuit that a civil litigation lawyer handles is product liability.
Product liability is the legal responsibility of a manufacturer or seller of a defective product for the injuries that the product causes. A product can be defective in many ways, including being designed improperly, being manufactured improperly, or having inadequate warnings or instructions. When a product is defective and causes injuries, the injured person may be able to sue the manufacturer or seller under state or federal law.
If you have been injured by a defective product, you should speak with a civil litigation lawyer to find out if you have a claim.
Assault and battery
Assault and battery is one of the most common types of civil lawsuit that a civil litigation lawyer handles. Assault is defined as an intentional act that causes another person to fear for their safety or to experience physical harm. Battery is defined as the intentional use of force against another person that results in physical harm.
There are many different types of assault and battery, but the most common type of assault and battery lawsuit that a civil litigation lawyer handles is when one person intentionally harms another person. This can include cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, or even just simple assault.
Emotional distress
One of the more common types is emotional distress. Emotional distress can be caused by a variety of things, such as physical or mental injuries, witnessing a traumatic event, or even just being subjected to offensive behavior. If you believe that you have suffered emotional distress, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the person or entity responsible.
In order to succeed in an emotional distress lawsuit, you will need to prove that the defendant’s actions were intentional or negligent and that they resulted in your suffering severe emotional distress. It can be difficult to prove these things, so it is important to consult with an experienced civil litigation attorney if you are considering filing a lawsuit for emotional distress.