Arts and Entertainment

What to make with pine cones fun ideas

What to make with pine cones fun ideas. Crafts with natural and easy-to-find materials provide a great pastime with children, stimulate creativity and trigger the imagination. Pine cones are everywhere. You can find them on the streets of your city, in the park and in the forest. Even if you haven’t gone out to collect materials, you can have fun looking for interesting pine cones. There are small and large, firmer and more fragile, and different tree species.

But what to make with pine cones? Most often we make Christmas decorations like garlands, Christmas wreaths, snowflakes, etc. With few auxiliary materials, you can craft anything you want. To succeed with the ideas that we are going to give you here, we advise you to arm yourself with felt paper, plastic eyes, different paints, felt or cotton, and polystyrene shapes. These are the materials you will need most often. And one more important tip – before washing the cones it’s good to put them in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees to sterilize them and landscape drawing easy.

To make one of these funny deer you will need:

  • Two pine cones
  • A pair of plastic eyes
  • A small red pompom
  • Glue
  • Felt paper
  • A few small sticks.
  1. Wash well and dry the pine cones
  2. If you want you can paint the pine cones or cover them with clear lacquer
  3. Take the two pine cones and glue them together to form the body and the head
  4. Glue the eyes and the pompom in place of the nose, as also the small sticks to form the feet and antlers of the deer
  5. Cut out small ears of felt paper and glue them below the antlers

The shape of pine cones is very good for making different things. You can for example make these super easy and super fun hedgehogs! What you will need:

  • Small pine cones
  • Felt paper
  • From school
  • Plastic eyes
  • Modeling clay

First variant:

  1. Wash and dry the pine cones
  2. Take a sheet of paper and cut a piece in the shape of a circle
  3. Cut the circle and glue the two sides together forming a cylinder
  4. Glue the cylinder in place of the hedgehog’s nose
  5. Glue the eyes

Second variant:

Make the nose and the feet of the hedgehog with Fimo clay

What to make with pine cones fun ideas


Friendly owl with a pine cone and cotton:

  • A cone
  • Cotton or felt
  • Plastic eyes
  • Pipe cleaners or felt paper
  • Glue
  1. Take a nice pine cone, wash it and dry it.
  2. Form small cotton balls with your fingers and start filling in the empty spaces by putting the small balls soaked in a little glue.
  3. If you want you can do this with colored felt.
  4. Glue the eyes.
  5. Shape the owl’s wings with pipe cleaners or felt paper and glue them to the cone.

A super easy decorative garland. They will need you:

  • Yarn in a favorite color
  • Paints
  • Several cones

First variant:

  1. Wash well and dry the cones
  2. Dip a cone in paint to color its ends
  3. Then tie the thread around the cone or wherever possible to tie it to the thread
  4. Continue like this by dipping the cones and tying them to the wire to receive a long festive garland

It is a warm decoration that will bring you a lot of joy during the Christmas holidays!

Second variant:

You can use a wire to tie the cone and dip it into the paint.

Pretty crown of cones to decorate the door. You will need:

  • A polystyrene crown
  • Several wells cleaned cones
  • Acrylic paints and varnishes in sprays
  • Toothpicks
  • A drill
  • Glands

How to do it

  1. Prepare the pine cones, taking them out according to their size and drilling a small hole in the base of each cone with the drill.
  2. Insert the toothpicks into the holes and start poking the cones on the polystyrene crown
  3. Keep the smallest cones for unoccupied places at the end
  4. If you want you can also use glands for the smaller places and paint the materials with different paints.

Also Read: Arts And Crafts

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