Which is the Best Hair Transplant method? Why?

A person’s confidence generally is boosted by the way he or she looks. The way one dresses up, does his or her hair and the things we accessorize with do play a huge role when it comes to how people perceive us. Although confidence and beauty come from within, from one’s personality and character, there is no arguing the fact that physical appearance also helps.
Good health, good skin, and good hair are probably the trio factors that help in making us look younger, healthier, and more confident. But for those who do not have good hair, thankfully there is the best hair transplant in Pune that can help a person appear the way that he/she aspires to. Hair transplant is a new solution that is now available in many top-tier cities and is done by experts to help hair look fuller and thicker, just like a youngster.
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair Transplant is a process that helps patients have a full head of hair with natural hair that grows out of real hair follicles that are planted on the scalp. The process is done by a hair transplant specialist who studies the pattern of baldness a client has and then suggests a hair transplant methodology. There are two types of hair transplant methods that are popularly done by hair specialists:
- FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction
Follicular Unit Extraction is a method where hair follicles form a portion of the patient’s scalp or even from the body or the beard. This is one of the most successful and the most routine procedures that are done for hair transplants. The benefits of FUE is mentioned below:
- Minimal recovery time
- Minimally invasive
- Uses the patient’s hair follicles
- Minimal complications
- Post recovery pain is also quite less
- Natural hair growth
- No scarring
- Recovery time is also very less
There are some constraints for those patients who prefer FUE through the best hair transplant in Pune. The patient must be a minimum of 30 years of age and must have a healthy lifestyle. Choosing this method also depends on how the baldness is currently on the patient.
- FUT – Follicular Unit Transplantation
FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation is a procedure that is more retro than FUE. Follicular Unit transplantation is called the Strip method as the procedure involves removing a strip of hair follicles from one part of the scalp and using it another where transplantation needs to be done. This method is only suitable for those who have dense and thick hair.
It may look visibly odd during the recovery period but soon enough, new hair grows in the donor and the recipient site of the scalp. For those considering the FUT method of Hair Transplant, the patient must be younger and must have denser or thicker hair with limited balding. Based on the patterned hair loss on the scalp, it is decided whether the patient is a suitable candidate for a FUT hair transplant.
Hair Transplant is an excellent solution for those who have hair loss, receding hairline, patterned hair loss such as Alopecia or Ludwig Pattern Baldness. Of the two methodologies, FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is more suitable as this is a recent method for successful and faster hair transplant for young adults. It has many benefits and is very minimally invasive. It also heals faster with lesser pain after the procedure.