Why We Should Quit Amazon

When we hear if the name Jeff Bezos the first thought that comes to our mind is the richest man in the world.
Man who holds all ties of world’s largest company in his hands but as he continues to stuff his bank accounts.
In 2014 campaign was launched by the name “Build a cleaner cloud” especially for sole read to put Amazon under the pressure of using clean energy that they sue for the sake of powering their servers for “Amazon Web Services” a branch that controls most of the work done by amazon.
While in 2018 they made a series of amendments in their campaign and named it “Build a Cleaner and Fairer cloud” a slogan made not only for amazon to use clean energy but to treat its employees with dignity and nobility.
Massive Amazon:
The fact that Amazon is a massive shopping hub is not an enigma to the world. Annually people have been sending millions and billions of dollars to buy products from Amazon. A survey conducted by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance made a shocking revelation that daily out of $2 a person spends 1 dollar is being spent on Amazon. An approximate 105 million houses have the membership of Amazon prime which is being streamed on regular basis. Amazon FBA Pakistan is an initiative to promote shopping that is one click away, to help small-scale businesses. But there is a lot that Amazon wants to keep under wraps away from the public eye of its customers. As per the return logistics, there are five billion pounds of returned products that end up in the landfill annually.
Amazon and Workers:
Most companies pursue their workers to do their best the case with amazon is that it goes way too far in this regard it not only pushes them too far but also violates their rights.
It’s a shame since it is the world’s largest warehouse and still not prioritizing the right of the workers according to the survey 50 out of 100 workers sustain injuries and are not given the workers fund for the treatments. It pays zero to no attention to the rights and oversees the labor law.
The most evident incident that amazon also tried to hide was in the midst of COVID they deprived the workers of having a sustainable assurance not only cutting back their funds but also downsizing the number of workers. Including a disabled worker and then putting his funds on hold.
Controlling the Economy:
There is news about amazon labor abuse and Amazon is the world’s largest company all over but there is so much more behind it that not only goes unnoticed but is also a matter of concern for ILSR. In the present time’s amazon is playing a dangerous game with the economy not only does it create competition
But also demolishes the major infrastructure that has been set for the economy.
The method they opt for the monopoly of the economy is that when they witness a product being hyped up.
They introduce a product that is similar to that.
And then sell it at a lower price even if it costs them money.
other brands may fight with all the zeal but the results are usually in the favor of amazon
And once the competing party gives up, the price of the product may go back to the original one.
But they don’t let anyone come to their competition or any product overcrossing their product.
This is their main strategy to control the ebony the monopoly they are playing is dangerous for the economy.
Final Thought:
Although for now to cross the competitors’ Amazon is doing everything in its power to stay at the top.
But as the competitors are off the market they go back to real price leaving customers no other choice.
But to purchase the products that now have prices double the amount from where they initially started.
Amazon has stabilized itself and has now had power, momentum, and authority.
More than ever it is not gripping the economy rather it finally has gripped the economy.
$28,000 per year is the amount that a worker is making to the billions that CEO is making.
This may not concern the buyers but the pace is making way to houses is alarming.