Why Your Last Diet Plan Failed
Every day, thousands or millions of people worldwide make up their minds to change their diet to attain the figure of their choice or simply lose some weight. While many people become successful in their diet and lose weight, many become frustrated and give up in the middle of the journey. This is a huge mistake.
There may be various reasons why your diet plan never works out for you. You may be following the wrong plan or simply losing motivation too quickly. However, it is important to understand that the results will only show when you stay consistent. Attending a corporate catering event will help you learn about healthy food items and recipes that you can incorporate into your life.
Reasons why your last diet plan may have failed
- It does not fit your lifestyle.
When you decide to lose weight, you must consult an expert who can tell you about the right things to eat and avoid. When you do not listen to an expert and want to create a plan, you may not create the right one or one that suits your lifestyle. You cannot succeed in dieting when you try to adopt a diet that does not fit your schedule or daily routine.
- You use willpower instead of science to control your appetite.
As much as people advocate the power of someone’s will, it is difficult to control your sweet tooth cravings or stop yourself from binging on your favorite snack. There is a science of hunger, and it is important to understand that to determine why you feel hungry at odd times or after you have just eaten a meal. Certain foods slow your metabolism and increase hunger, while others satisfy your appetite.
- You are getting inadequate sleep.
Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining your physical and mental health, both. Getting adequate sleep helps you maintain the balance of hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you do not sleep enough, ghrelin goes up, and leptin goes down, making you hungrier than well-rested.
Apart from this, sleep deficiency is also linked with other conditions like heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and obesity.
When you get the urge to eat, remember your goal and why you started eating healthy. The science of weight loss is not a mystery, but you need to differentiate the truths from the myths.